

  • 职称:研究员
  • 出生地:安徽省绩溪县
  • 出生年月:1937年1月
  • 部门:系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室
  • 课题组:种子植物分类学研究组
  • 职务:学术委员会名誉主任

  1962年毕业于复旦大学生物系。1966年中国科学院植物研究所研究生毕业。1988年至今任中国科学院植物研究所研究员、1991–2001年任系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室主任。在玄参科、桔梗科和鸭跖草科植物分类和系统学研究中做出了突出贡献,提出了多个属的新系统,发现8个新属、50多个新种;在英文专著“Taxonomy and Evolution of the tribe Veroniceae,Scrophulariaceae”《婆婆纳族的分类和进化》(1984: 哥本哈根)运用了新方法,提出了起源和进化的新观点,建立了该族的进化系统;对毛莨科、桔梗科和百合科的细胞分类学和物种生物学研究有新发现;1990年出版的《植物细胞分类学》是世界上该领域的第一部专著,为植物细胞分类学的发展做出了贡献。1991年被选为中科院院士(学部委员)。90年代起集中精力从事世界的牡丹、芍药和桔梗科植物的专著研究。在国外出版英文专著“Peonies of the World”(世界的牡丹芍药)(系列1,和2:2010, 2011,英国);2015年由Elsevier和Science Press联合出版“A Monograph of Codonopsis and Allied Genera”(党参属及近缘属专著)。现致力于主持重大国际合作项目“泛喜马拉雅地区植物志”(Flora of Pan-Himalaya),将由剑桥大学出版社和科学出版社联合出版。 


















  2001年-2013年:《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)编委会中方副主席
  2011年-:《Flora of Pan-Himalaya》(泛喜马拉雅植物志)主编。
  主持国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目两项:“Flora of China”,“Flora of Pan-Himalaya”;
  1、 硕士生
  邱均专 1983-1986 中国科学院植物研究所
  2、 博士生
  张大明 1988-1991 中国科学院植物研究所
  葛   颂  1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  斐颜龙 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  饶广远 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  黄锦玲 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  周世良 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  王印政 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  华志明 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养 副导师
  覃海宁 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所
  周 毅  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  张寿洲  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  高立志  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  汪小全  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所
  陈世龙  1994-1997 中国科学院西北高原研究所 联合培养
  张宪春  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 联合培养
  丁开宇  1995-1998 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  马小军  1995-1998 北京药植所 联合培养 副导师
  何兴金  1995-1998 四川大学 联合培养
  俸宇星  1996-1999 中国科学院植物研究所
  谢中稳  1996-1999 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  钱  韦  1997-2000 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  李常宝   1997-2000 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  赵惠恩   1997-2000 北京林业大学 联合培养
  刘占林   1999-2002 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  宋葆华   2000-2003 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  杨福生   2000-2003 中国科学院植物研究所  合作培养
  谭敦炎   2000-2005 中国科学院植物研究所
  邓辉胜   2002-2005  浙江大学 联合培养
  于艳华   2002- 200   浙江大学 联合培养   
  陈进勇   2002-2008  中国科学院植物研究所
  金孝丰   2003-2006  浙江大学 联合培养
  夏 涛   2004- 2008 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  程   瑾 2004- 2009 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王建秀   2005-2010  中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王   强   2008- 2011 中国科学院植物研究所 
  石   硕   2010- 2014 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  于   静   2011- 2014 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王华峰   2012- 2015 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  刘彬彬   2013- 2018  中国科学院植物研究所 
  3、 博士后
  杨亲二 1991-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  卢宝荣 1993-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  虞    泓 1996-1998 中国科学院植物研究所
  何田华  1999-2001 中国科学院植物研究所
  周志欣  2002-2006 中国科学院植物研究所  
  袁军辉  2011-2014 中国科学院植物研究所 

    获 奖








    二十世纪七十年代从事《中国高等植物图鉴》和《中国高等植物检索表》,以及《中国植物志》中玄参科、桔梗科和鸭跖草科的编研,并在以后断断续续进行这些科中一些重要类群的系统学研究。发现7个新属,两个新记录属,60个新种,建立了婆婆纳属、婆婆纳族、沙参属等类群的新系统,尤其是“蓝钟花属的系统学”(植物分类学报)和《婆婆纳族的分类和进化,兼论孢粉学》(英文专著,1984年哥本哈根出版)在国际上产生了较大影响。在这一专著研究中,指出了国际一些著名刊物的文章中关于孢粉形态描述的错误,并创立了一个恢复孢粉形状的新方法。修正了认为花粉由3沟向3孔沟演化这一传统观点,认为至少在玄参科和豆科中也存在3孔沟向3沟演化的趋势。还就玄参科的起源和散布问题向国际植物学权威提出挑战, 认为玄参科是一个古老的科,在泛古大陆分裂以前就已起源,南半球的类群(如Hebe属)并不都是从北半球迁移过去的。在《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)中主持完成了玄参科、鸭跖草科和芍药科。自80年代以来,一直从事芍药科(属)的研究。利用美国地理学会的基金,和助手跑遍了中国生长牡丹和芍药的几乎所有大山(包括西藏、横断山、天山、阿尔泰山),澄清了中国和亚洲芍药科的分类和生物学特性,推测了牡丹的祖先和起源证据。已在国内外著名刊物上发表芍药科的研究论文近20篇,1999年、2001年、2002年和助手远赴高加索地区、法国、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、希腊、土耳其及地中海岛屿,专门考察那里的芍药属植物,把研究范围伸向全世界。




    二十世纪九十年代以后,把主要精力集中于指导博士研究生,筹建植物分子系统学实验室,带领青年学者承担国家和中国科学院的重大项目。主持的国家自然科学基金委《八·五》重大项目“中国主要濒危植物保护生物学研究”(1993-1997)聚集了大学和科研院所一批优秀的中青年学者,第一次从种群生态学(population ecology)、生殖生物学和遗传多样性三方面(纵)分别研究10个代表物种,并以近缘广布种为对照(横),进而进行纵横结合,综合分析濒危物种的致濒机理,提出保护的科学策略。这一研究带动了我国居群遗传学(population genetics)、保护遗传学(conservation genetics))和生殖生态学的发展。2000年起作为科技部973项目首席科学家,主持“长江流域生物多样性变化、可持续利用与区域生态安全”项目。二十世纪九十年代中期发起稻属系统和进化研究。和葛颂研究员联合主持了中国科学院《九·五》重大项目《若干重要濒危植物的进化生物学研究》(1997-2000)。该研究组集中稻属的研究,同葛颂等合作利用多基因测序,勾划了稻属全部23个种的系统发育关系,揭示了一些多倍体的起源,特别是把稻属一个长期未定的基因组定为K。同张大明研究员和李常宝博士合作利用原位杂交技术(GISH)令人信服地查明了药稻(Oryza officinalis)复合体各基因组之间的关系和四倍体的起源。在居群水平上,同葛颂、高立志、谢中稳、张寿洲和钱韦等合作,揭示了中国三种野生稻的濒危状况、遗传多样性及其空间分布,以及影响遗传多样性的生态因子,为制订保护野生稻的策略提供了坚实的科学基础。许多文章发表于美国科学院院刊(PNAS)以及其它一些国际权威学术刊物上,使我国占据了稻属生物学研究的国际前沿。



    1. Hong D Y, 1974. Revisio Commelinacearum Sinicarum. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 12(4): 459–487.

    2. Hong D Y, 1974. Scrophulariaceae (excl. Pedicularis). In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Tom. 4. 1–61. Science Press, Beijing.

    3. Hong D Y, 1975. Commelinaceae. In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Inconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorm. Tom. 5: 393–403. Science Press, Beijing.

    4. Hong D Y, Zhu Z H, ("Gong Tong"),1976. Studies on Chinese Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 38–50 +2 colour plates.

    5. Hong D Y,1976. Discussion on the basic principle of taxonomy. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 92–100.

    6. Ying T S, Hong D Y, 1978. A preliminary study on the major plant communities and its vertical distribution of Guhsiang region in southeastern Tibet. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1):46–60.

    7. Hong D Y, 1978. The taxometric study of Veronica ciliata Fisch. group (Scrophulariaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16 (3): 20–24.

    8. Hong D Y, 1979. Scrophulariaceae:Veronica and other 18 genera. In Tsoong P C and Yang H P (eds.): Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 67 (2). Science Press, Beijing.

    9. Hong D Y, 1980. Wulfeniopsis Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from the Himalayas. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(1): 50–52.

    10. Hong D Y, 1980. New taxa of Campanulaceae from Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(2): 245–247.

    11. Hong D Y 1980. Homocodon Hong---- a new genus of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(4): 473–475.

    12. Hong D Y, 1980. Kashmiria (Scrophulariaceae, Veroniceae), a new name for Falconeria Hook. fil from the western Himalayas. Bot. Notisser, 133: 565–567.

    13. Hong D Y, 1981. A new species of the genus Tricarpelema J. K. Morton form Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(4):529–531.

    14. Hong D Y, 1982. A new karyotype for Narcissus tazetta L. Hereditas, 97(1): 29–31.

    15. Hong D Y, 1982. Cytotype variation and polyploidy in Scilla autumnalis L. (Liliaaceae). Hereditas, 97: 227–235.

    16. Hong D Y, 1983. in Inst. Bot. (ed.): Scrophulariaceae & Campanulaceae in Inst. Claves Familiarum Generumque Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Science Press, Beijing.

    17. Hong D Y, Nilsson S, 1983. On the validity of the genus Cochlidiospermum Reichenb. (Scrophulariaceae) as supported by additional palynological evidence. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 21 (2): 143–150 + 2 plates.

    18. Hong D Y, 1983. On pollen shape in some groups of dicotyledons. Grana, 22:73–78.

    19. Hong D Y, 1983. Advances of plant taxonomy in China. Plants.

    20. Hong D Y, 1983. The distribution of Scrophulariaceae in the Holarctic with special reference to the floristic relationships between E. Asia and North America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 70: 701–712.

    21. Hong D Y, 1983. Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae, Stylidiaceae In Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 73(2). Science Press, Beijing. pp. 203

    22. Hong D Y, 1984. Echinocodon Hong, a new genus of Campanulaceae and its systematic position. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (3): 181–184 + 2 plates.

    23. Hong D Y, 1984. Chromosomes of six fabaceous species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (4):301–305 + 2 plates.

    24. Hong D Y, 1984. Taxonomy and evolution of the Veroniceae (Scrophulariaceae) with special reference to palynology. Opera Botanica, 75: 1–60. Copenhagen.

    25. Hong D Y, 1985. Veronica and 2 other genera. in Wu C Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol. 4. Science Press, Beijing

    26. Hong D Y, 1986. Biosystematic observation on 5 species of Consolida (Ranunculaceae). Acta Bot. Sin., 28 (1):1–10 + 2 plates.

    27. Hong D Y, 1986. A new genus of Scrophulariaceae from Xizang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 24(2):139–142.

    28. Hong D Y, 1986. Karyotype uniformity of Streptolirion volubile subsp. volubile (Commelinaceae) from China and Japan. Acta Phytotax Sin., 24 (4) 264–267 + 1 plate.

    29. Hong D Y, Lang K Y, Zhang Z X, 1986. A cytotaxonomical study on the genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) (1)----Karyotypes of 7 species from Sichuan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5):353–361+ 2 plates.

    30. Hong D Y, 1986. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol.5. Science Press, Beijing

    31. Hsu P S, Hong D Y, 1987. Current situation in development of cytotaxonomy. Reference Material for Biology, 22:1–14. Science Press, Beijing.

    32. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1987. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.) (1): report on karyotypes of 10 species of 6 genera. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(4): 245–253 + 2 plates.

    33. Hong D Y, 1987. Sinobacopa Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25 (5): 393–295.

    34. Hong D Y, 1987. The modes of speciation connected with chromosomal structural reorganization in plants. Botanical Research, 3:23–34.

    35. Hong D Y, Zhang Z X, Zhu X Y, 1988. Studies on the genus Paeonia (1)----report of karyotypes of some wild species in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 26(1): 33–43 + 4 plates.

    36. Hong D Y (ed.), 1989. Plant Chromosome research. Proceedings of Sino-Japanese Symposium on Plant Chromosomes(1987). Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 437.

    37. Hong D Y, Ma L M, Chen T, 1989. A discussion on the karyotype and evolution of the tribe Convallarieae (s.l.)(Liliaceae). In Hong D Y. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. PP. 123–129.

    38. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytogeographical study of the Adenophora gmelinii complex. In Hong D Y (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 69–73.

    39. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.): (2) report on chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 8 speceis of 8 genera form Zheijiang Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 27 (6): 439–450 + 3 plates.

    40. Hong D Y, 1989. Studies on the genus Paeonia (2) ----the characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance. Chinese Journ. Bot., 1(2): 145–153 + 4 plates.

    41. Hong D Y, 1989. The karyotype and its variation of Hyacinthoides italica (L.) Rothm. (Hyacinthaceae). Cathaya, 1: 17–22.

    42. Sauer W, Hong D Y, 1989. Die vegetation des Ostmandschurischen Berglandes, Dargestellt an den Vegetationsverhaltnissen des Changbai Shan, Provinz Jilin, Nordost–China. Bios (Thessaloniki): 205–210.

    43. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1990. Report on karyotypes of 6 species in 4 genera of the Polygonateae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 185–198 + 1 plate.

    44. Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1990. Pollen morphology and epidermal characters of leaves in Convallarieae (s.l.). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(3): 228–236 + 3 plates.

    45. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1990. A chromosomal study on 7 species of Smilax L. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 211–222 + 3 plates.

    46. Hong D Y, 1990. The crisis of biodiversity in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 5(2): 117–200.

    47. Hong D Y, Sauer W, 1990. Cytotaxonomical studies of the Liliaceae (s.l.) in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China. Cathaya, 2: 151–164.

    48. Hong D Y, Zhang S Z, 1990. Observations on chromosomes of some plants from western Sichuan. Cathaya, 2: 191–197.

    49. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1990. Notes on two species of the genus Adenophora from Liaoning Prov. and their chromosome numbers. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(5): 397–420 + 1 plate.

    50. Hong D Y, 1990. Plant Cytotaxonomy. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). pp. 439.

    51. Qu L H, Yu X Q, Hong D Y, Lu Y Q, 1990. Ls–rRNA 5' nucleotide sequence of Rohdea japonica (Liliaceae) and its evolutionary significance. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (6): 425– 429.

    52. Hong D Y, 1991. A biosystematic study on Ranunculus Subgen. Batrachium in S. Sweden. Nord. J. Bot., 11(1):41–59.

    53. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Systematics of the genus Cyananthus Royle ( Campanulaceae ). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 29(1): 25–51 + 1 plate.

    54. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Homocodon pedicellata, a new species of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(3):268–269.

    55. Hong D Y, 1991. The present status and future ten years prospect in studies of biological systematics and evolution. In Proceedings of Symposium on Future Ten Years Biology, Sponsored by Academia Sinica. Shanghai Science and Technology Press. pp. 72–81.

    56. Nakata M, Hong D Y, 1991. Fluorescent chromosome banding with chromomycin A3 and DAPI in Paeonia japonica and P. obovata.Chromosome Information Service, 50:19–21.

    57. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H., Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1991. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. I. Karyotype of Dendranthema vestitum. J. Jpn. Bot., 66: 199–204.

    58. Ma C, Lin Z P, Hong D Y, 1991. The status of rare and endangered plants in China and efforts for their protection. 247–256. In Adams R P and Adams J E (eds.): Conservaton of Plant Genes, DNA Banking and in vitro Biotechnology. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego.

    59. Hong D Y(editor of English edition), 1992. China Plant Red Data Book (Chinese rare and endangered plants). Vol.l. pp.741. Science Press. Beijing.

    60. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H, Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China.Ⅱ. A possible natural hybrid between Dendranthema indicum (2n=36) and D. vestitum (2n=54) from Hubei Province. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:92–100.

    61. Hong D Y, Zhang T J, 1992. A revision of Lobelia Subgen. Tupa (Campanulaceae) in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (2): 146–162 + 3 plates.

    62. Xiong Z T, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, 1992. A quantitatiye method measuring karyotype asymmetry and its application to evolutionary study. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (3): 279–288.

    63. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. The Campanulaceae. In Li X W and Zhu Z Y (eds.): Flora Sichuanica, Vol. 10: 515–586. Sichuan Nationality Press.

    64. Chen L J, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1992. Triodanis Raf., a new recorded genus of Campanulaceae in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(5): 473–475.

    65. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. Scrophulariaceae, Campanulaceae, Valerianaceae, Dipsacaceae, Commelinaceae. In Wang W T (ed.): Synopsis of Plants from the Hengduan Mountains. Science Press, Beijing. pp. 1759–1776; 1925–1934; 1950–1972; 2408–2411.

    66. Chen R Y, An Z P, Song W Q, Li X L, Zong W X, Taniguchi K, Hong D Y, 1992. The G-banded karyotype of Lilium davidii L. Cathaya, 4:9–20.

    67. Sauer W, Hong D Y, Gebert S, 1992. Contributions to flora and vegetation of Changbai Shan----Province Jilin, Northeast China. Ⅰ. Meadow and tall forb formations, excluding the alpine formations. Ann. Di Bot., 1:71–95.

    68. Hong D Y, 1992. Two new species of Valeriana (Valerianaceae) from Southwest China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(4): 371–374.

    69. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Song G, Hong D Y, Nakata M, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. IV. karyomorphological characteristics of three species of Ajania. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:324–329.

    70. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1993. A biosystematic study in Adenophora gmelinii complex (Campanulaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(1): 17–41.

    71. Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1993: Karyotype study of the genus Theropogon. Acta Bot. Yunnan., 15 (3):263–268.

    72. Hong D Y, 1993. Eastern Asian----North American disjunctions and their biological significance. Cathaya, 5:1–39.

    73. Yang Q E, Gu Z J, Wu Z Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyomorphological study in Aconitum subgen. Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Yunnan,China. Cathaya, 5:89–114.

    74. Wang X Q, Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1993. A study on pollen and seed coat in the tribe Cimicifugeae and some allied genera (Ranunculaceae). Cathaya, 5:131–149.

    75. Fu C X, Shen C D, Zhang C Q, Hong D Y, 1993. Variation and evolution of the karyotype of Smilax Ⅱ. Karyotype analysis of seven species from southern China. Cathaya, 5:151–166.

    76. Yu Z H, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A cytogeographic study on Scilla scilloides (Liliaceae) in four provinces of China. Cathaya, 5: 189–194.

    77. Hong D Y, Fu L K, 1993. The Chinese flora, its important position and crisis. Chinese Biodiversity, 1: 5–8.

    78. Hoshino T, Okamura K, Hong D Y, Dai L K, Nakata M, Tanaka R, 1993. Cytological studies of Chinese Cyperaceae (1): Chromosome counts of nine species collected from Jilin, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces. J. Jap. Bot. 68(2):65–69.

    79. Yang Q E, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyotype study of 7 species of Aconitum L. from China. J. Plant Resour. & Environ., 2(2): 33–38.

    80. Nilsson S, Hong D Y, 1993. The taxonomical significance of Aragoa-pollen (Scrophulariaceae). Opera Bot., 121:275–278.

    81. Keng H, Hong D Y, Chen C J, 1993. Orders and Families of Seed Plants of China. World Scientific. Singapore. pp. 444.

    82. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1993. Karyotype, fluorescent banding and localization of rRNA genes in Scilla scilloides var. alboviridis. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-71–72:2437– 2442.

    83. Yang Q E, Wang Y Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotype study of Porandra Hong (Commelinaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(3):232–234 + 1 plate.

    84. Yang Q E, Luo Y B, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotypic study of six species in the Ranunculaceae from Hunan, China. Guihaia, 14(1):27–36 + 3 plates.

    85. Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Li X Y, 1994. Paeonia in Xinjiang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4): 349–355.

    86. Wang X Q, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyomorphological study of nine species in four genera of Ranunculaceae. Cathaya, 6: 43–56.

    87. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yamasaki Y, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1994. Fluorescent chromosome bandings in two Chinese varieties of Larix gmelinii, Pinaceae. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2563–2570.

    88. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, LuoY B, Hong D Y, 1994. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia---two species in North Chinaregion. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2576–2582.

    89. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, LuoY B, Nakata M, 1994. Cytological studies of three species of Chrysosplenium in North China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2583–2590.

    90. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Nakata M, Taniguchi K, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, Zhang D M, Qiu J Z, Liu D X, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1994. Long-term cooperative researches by Japanese and Chinese botanists in cytogenetics of Japan-China related Chrysanthemum sensu lato. pp.9–24. In Tanaka R. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    91. Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Li J L, 1994. Meiosis and homeologous pairing in a spontaneous tetrahaploid (2n=28) of Trititrigia Mac Key. (in English). pp. 410–420. In Tanaka R (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    92. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). I. Phenotypic plasticity. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(6):489–503.

    93. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅱ. Crossing experiment. Cathaya, 6:15–26.

    94. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Genetic diversity and its detection. In Qian Y Q and Ma K P (eds.): Principles and Methodologies of Biodiversity Studies. Chinese Science and Technology Press, Beijing. pp. 123–140.

    95. Pei Y L, Hong D Y, 1995. Paeonia qiui---A new woody species of Paeonia from Hubei, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(1):91–93.

    96. Hong D Y 1995. The geography of the Campanulaceae: on the distribution centres. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(6):521–536.

    97. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1995. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅲ. Genetic variation and taxonomic value of morphological characters. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(5):433–443.

    98. Hizume M, Kuzukawa Y, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1995. Localization of rDNAs and fluorescent bandings in chromosomes of Larix potaninii var. macrocarpa collected in Sichuan,China. La Chromosomo Ⅱ-78:2689–2694.

    99. Pei Y L, Zou Y P, Yin Z, Wang X Q, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1995. Preliminary report of RAPD analysis in Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea and Paeonia rockii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4):350–356.

    100.Hong D Y, 1995. Rescuing genetic resources of wild rices in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 10(4):325–326.

    101.Fu C X, Shen C D, Huang A J, Hong D Y, 1995. Variation and evolution of the karyotype in Smilax and Heterosmilax (Smilacaceae) Ⅲ. Analysis of karyotypes and evolution from twelve taxa in Southern China. Cathaya, 7:105–124.

    102.Hong D Y, Ge S, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Chen S Z, 1995. Principles and approaches to studying the mechanisms of plant rarity and endangerment. In Qian Y Q & Zhen R D (eds): Advances in Studies on Biodiversity. China Science and Technology Publishers, Beijing, 125–133.

    103.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Hizume M, 1995. Karyomorphology of Sedum aizoon var. aizoon and Viola biflora in Qinghaiprovince, China. La Kromosomo II 79–80:2760–2766.

    104.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, Hizume M, Yang Q E, Nakata M, 1995. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China V. A chromosome study of three species of Ajania, Cancrinia maximowiczii and Dendranthema lavandulifolium in the Chrysantheminae, the Anthemideae, the Compositae in Chinese Highlands. J. Jpn. Bot., 70:85–94.

    105.Hong D Y, 1996. Notes on some Scrophulariaceae from China. Novon, 6(1):22–24.

    106.Hong D Y, 1996. Additional notes on the Scrophulariaceae of China. Novon, 6(4): 372–374.

    107.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1996. Camparative studies on pollination biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(7): 530–540.

    108.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Pei Y L, 1996. The identity of Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti. Taxon, 45: 67–69.

    109.Hsu P S, Zhang Z Y, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 1996. Advances in chromosome studies and plant taxonomy. J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(2):177–187(I); J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(3):261–268(II).

    110.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Ge S, Hizume M, Shimada 1996. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia(Ⅱ)Three species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2845–2854.

    111.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Karyomorphological studies of three Chrysosplenium species in Qinghai Province,China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2855–2863.

    112.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Genetic analysis of isozyme loci in Adenophora potaninii complex. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(6):431–438 +2 plates.

    113.Zhou Y, Zou Y P, *Hong D Y, Zhou J M, Chen S Y, 1996. ITS 1 sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA in wild rices and cultivated rices of China and their phylogenetic implications. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(10):785–791.

    114.Huang J L, Zou Y P, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. PCR– RFLP analysis of rbcL gene in the tribe Convallarieae. Acta Phytotax.Sin., 34(5): 531–537 +1 plate.

    115.Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1996. Biodiversity and its conservation and management in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region of China. In Pei S J (ed.): Banking on Biodiversity, Report on the Regional Consultation on Biodiversity Assessment in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. pp. 131–180.

    116.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1996. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Cathaya argyrophylla. Sicence in China, (series C) 26(5):436–441 (in Chinese) & 1997, (series C), 40(2):145–151 (in English).

    117.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Endangered status of wild rices in China. Chinese Biodiversity, 4(3): 160–166.

    118.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Cytological studies of Saxifraga in China (1): Karyomorphology of five species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2873–2884.

    119.Wang Y Z, Pan K Y, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1996. An anamorphosis of gynoecium in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae), with phylogenetic implication. Acta Bot. Yunnan, 18(4): 431–432.

    120.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1996. Taxonomic studies on the nocturnal flowering group of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China.Acta Phytotax. Sin., 34(6): 586–591.

    121.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. Problems in the use of RAPD to the study of genetic diversity and systematics. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(12): 954–962.

    122.Idei S, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, 1996. Karyotype of Scorzonera austrica Willd. Of China by using fluorescence in situhybridization. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2893–2900.

    123.Huang J L, Hong D Y, 1996. Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae (Liliaceae, s.l.). Acta Phytotax Sin., 35 (2): 117–124 +5 plates.

    124.Huang J L, Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1997. Cytotaxonomic studies on the genus Aspidistra II. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(1):14–23 +5 plates.

    125.Wang X Q, Han Y, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1997. Phylogeny of the Pinaceae evidenced by molecular biology. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(2): 97–106.

    126.Zhang S Z, Pan K Y, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1997. Observations on abnormalities in meiosis of pollen mother cells of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea. Acta Bot. Sin., 39(5): 397–404.

    127.Hong D Y, 1997. Notes on Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz. Kew Bull., 52(4): 957–963.

    128.Hong D Y, 1997. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Xizang (Tibet). Novon, 7: 156–161.

    129.Hong D Y, 1997. Pollia macrobracteata Hong, a new species of Commelinaceae from China. Novon, 7(3): 252.

    130.Ge S, Wang H Q, Zhang C M, Hong D Y, 1997. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in BamianMountain. Acta. Bot. Sin., 39(3): 266–271.

    131.Ge S, B S Schaal, Hong D Y, 1997. A revaluation of the status of Adenophora lobophylla based on ITS sequence, with reference to the utility of ITS sequence in Adenophora. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 385–395.

    132.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. A cytotaxonomic study on Chinese endemic species of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(3): 215–218.

    133.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. Numerical taxonomic studies of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(4): 311–316.

    134.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1997. Progress in molecular systematics of plants in recent five years. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 465–480.

    135.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1997. Pollen and nutlet morphology in Mosla (Labiatae) and its systematic value. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 45(4): 343–350.

    136.Hong D Y, 1997. Validation of Paulownia catalpifolia (Scrophulariaceae). Novon, 7: 366.

    137.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphological studies in Parnassia yunnanensis var. longistipitata in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1:21–24.

    138.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphology of Chrysosplenium griffithii collected in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1: 61–64.

    139.Wang Y Z, Gu Z J, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotypes of Whytockia (Gesneriaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 28–35.

    140.Hong D Y, 1998. Cytology of Bryophytes. In Wu P C (ed.): Biology of Bryophytes. Science Press, Beijing. pp.61–101.

    141.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotype evidence for distinguishing between Hemerocallis esculenta and H. middendorfii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1):53–57.

    142.Chen S L, He T N, Hong D Y, 1998. On systematic position of Pterygocalyx (Gentianaceae). Acat Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 58–68.

    143.Zhang S Z, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1998. In situ hybridization and its application in studies on Oryza. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 87–96.

    144.Gao L Z, Zhou Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Liang Y M, Kin D H, Chen C B, Wu M S, Huang D A, 1998. Current status of the genetic resources of Oryza rufipogon Griff. and its conservation strategies in Guangxi. Scientia Agricultura Sinica., 31(1):32–39.

    145.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1998. The restoration of the genus Cyclocodon (Campanulaceae) and its evidence from pollen and seed–coat. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2): 106–110 +2 plates.

    146.Ding K Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Yu Z H, 1998. Cytotype variation and cytogeography of Scilla sinensis (Loureiro) Merrill (Hyacinthaceae) in China. Hereditas, 129:151–160.

    147.Ge S, Hong D Y, Wang H Q, Liu Z Y, Zhang C M, 1998. Population genetic structure and conservation of an endangered conifer, Cathaya argyrophylla (Pinaceae). Int. J. Plant Sci., 159(2): 351–357.

    148.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Yu H, 1998. Taxonomy of Paeonia delavayi complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 85:554–564.

    149.Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on conservation biology of endangered plant species in China. In Chiu S T, Peng C I (eds): Proceedings of the Cross–Strait Symposium on Floristic Biodiversity and Conservation. National Museum of Natural Science, Taichuang, 287–300.

    150.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast gene trnK in the Pinaceae, with special reference to the systematic position of Cathaya. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 46:265–271.

    151.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A molecular systematic study of Cathaya, a relic genus of the Pinaceae in China. Pl. Syst. Evol., 213: 165-172.

    152.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Luo Y B, 1998. Pollen morphology and its evolutionary significance in Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 18(2): 183–190.

    153.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hizume M, Kokubugata G, Hong D Y, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1998. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China VI. Karyomorphological characters of five species of Ajania and each one species of Brachanthemum, Dendranthema, Elachanthemum, Phaeostigma and Tanacetum in highlands of Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces. J. Jpn. Bot., 73: 128–136.

    154.Hizume M, Kondo K, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 1998. Fluorescence chromosome bandig in a Chinese larch, Larix chinensis Beissn. Chromosome Science, 2: 95–98.

    155.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1998. A karyomorphological comparison of four Saxifraga species collected in the western part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome science, 2: 103–109.

    156.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of three Parnassia species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 2: 111–115.

    157.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the Qin LingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromsome Science, 2:145–150.

    158.Luo Y B, Pei Y L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A study on pollination biology of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2):134–144.

    159.Xie Z W, Zhou Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Phylogenetic relationship of genus Oryza as revealed by RAPD analysis. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 23(3):6–8.

    160.Feng Y X, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A revaluation of the systematic position of the Cercidiphyllaceae and Daphniphyllaceae based on rbcL gene sequence analysis, with reference to the relationship in the “Lower” Hamamelidae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 411–422.

    161.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1998. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) IV. Allozyme variation and differentiation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):481–489.

    162.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Xie Z W, 1998. Yinpingmudan, the wild relative of the king of flowers, Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):515–520 +1 colour plate.

    163.Hong D Y, 1998. Paeonia rockii and its one new subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):538–543.

    164.Zhou S L, Zhang F, Wang Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. Genetic diversity of Mosla hangzhouensis and M. chinensis (Labiatae). Acta Genet. Sin., 25(2):173–180.

    165.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Pollination Intensity– and pollination efficiency–dependent nutlet set of Mosla hangchouensis(Labiatae). Acta Bot. Yunnan, 20(4):445–452.

    166.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Zhou Y P, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on Ginseng (Panax ginseng) RAPD fingerprinting with capillary PCR. Chinese Medicine and Herbs, 29(3):191–194.

    167.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP Analysis on phylogeny of Allium. Acta. Bot. Sin., 40(11):1083–1086.

    168.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1998. Advances in studies on molecular systematics. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences. 1:16–30. (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing.

    169.Wang X Q, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. The systematic position of Beesia: Evidence from ITS (nrDNA) sequence analysis. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 403–410.

    170.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, 1998. The newest advances and development trends of pollination biology. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences vol. 1: 48–57. Science Press, Beijing.

    171.Zhang S Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1998. Genomic in situ hybridization and its application to studies on evolutionary biology of plants. In Li C S (ed.): Advancs in Plant Sciences. Vol. 1:31–47. Science Press, Beijing.

    172.Hong D Y, Yang H B, Jin C L, Holmgren N H, 1998. Scrophulariaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven PH (ed.): Flora of China. 18: 1–212. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.

    173.Ding K Y, Ge S, Yu Z H, Hong D Y, 1999. Allozyme variation in the diploid (A genome) populations of Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce (Hyacinthaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 218: 23–31.

    174.Feng Y X, Chen Z D, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. A taxonomic revision of the Loropetalum–Tetrathyrium complex and its systematic position in the Hamamelidoideae, based on morphology and ITS sequence data. Taxon, 48: 689–700.

    175.Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Zhang W H, Zu Y G, 1999. Comparisons of genetic diversity in the endangered Adenophora lobophyllaand its widespread congener, A. potaninii. Conservation Biology, 13(3): 509–513.

    176.Ge S, Oliveira G C X, Schaal B A, Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. RAPD variation within and between natural populations of the wild rice Oryza rufipogon from China and Brazil. Heredity, 82: 638–644.

    177.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1999. Phylogeny of rice genomes with emphasis on origins of allotetraploid species. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA., 96(25): 14400–14405.

    178.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 19(3): 289–299.

    179.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. Pollination biology of Paeonia jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (Paeoniaceae), with special emphasis on pollen and stigma biology. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 130: 43–52.

    180.Hong D Y, Pan KY, 1999. Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(4):351–368.

    181.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Studies of morphological and allozyme variation of the endangered Adenophora lobophylla and its widespread congener A. potaninii. Acta Genet. Sin., 26(4):410–417.

    182.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. A new species of Chinese Adenophora (Campanulaceae). Novon, 9: 46.

    183.Xie Z W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Preparation of DNA from silica gel dried mini–amount of leaves of Oryza rufipogon for RAPD study and total DNA bank construction. Acta Bot. Sin., 41(8):807–812.

    184.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Sun S S, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1999. A study on RAPD fingerprintings of wild mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng). Acta Pharm. Sin., 34: 312–316.

    185.El–Twab M H Abd, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Isolation of a particular chromosome of Ajania remotipinna in a chromosome complement of an artificial F1 hybrid of Dendranthema lavandulifolia ×Ajania remotipinna by use of genomic in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 21–28.

    186.Hizume M, Shibata F, Kondo K, Hoshi Y, Kondo T, Ge S, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1999. Identification of chromosomes in two Chinese spruce species by multicolor fluorescense in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 37–41.

    187.Itouga M, Yamaguchi T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Funamoto T, Deguchi H, 1999. Genetic differentiation within sibling species of Conocephalum conicum (Marchantiales: Hepaticae) in East Asia. Bryol. Res., 7(8): 249–256.

    188.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A cytotaxonomy of six species of Chrysosplenium collected in the QinLing Mountains in Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 87–91.

    189.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 145–150.

    190.Oginuma K, Chen Z D, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Karyomorphology of three species of Spiraea (Rosaceae) in China. Chromosome Science, 3: 83–86.

    191.Ogura H, Kondo K, Morimoto K, Aizawa T, Chen Z D, Hong D Y, 1999. A karyological study of Allium grayi Regel and A. chinense G. Don in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 119–122.

    192.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Zhang J W, Luo Q Y, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 1999. A study on population genetic structure of Oryza meyeriana(Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill. from Yunnan and its in situ conservation significance. Science in China (Series C), 42(1): 102–108 (in English); 29(3): 297–302 (in Chinese).

    193.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. Nutlet dispersal of Mosla hangchouensis Matsuda (Labiatae). Guihaia, 19:176–179.

    194.Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. Advances in the studies on the genus Oryza in China. Scientia Agricultura sinica., 32(6):40–46.

    195.Hong D Y, 2000. A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(4):381–385.

    196.Hong D Y, 2000. Biosystematics, its meaning and problem of Chinese translation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(5):490–496.

    197.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xu Z X, Hong D Y, 2000. RAPD variation within and among populations of Ginseng cultivars. Acta Bot. Sin.,42(6):587–590.

    198.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Assessment of genetic variation of Oryza granulata detected by RAPDs and ISSRs. Acta Bot. Sin., 42(7):741–750.

    199.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Detection of differentiation among BB, CC and EE genomes in the genus Oryza by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Acta. Bot. Sin., 42(9): 988–990.

    200.Hong D Y, 2000. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 24: Science Press & Missouri Botanic GardenPress.

    201.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme variation and population genetic structure of commom wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. in China. Theor. Appl. Genet., 101(3): 494– 502.

    202.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Low level of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice, Oryza granulata Nees et Arn. ex Watt., from China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 161(4): 691–697.

    203.He T H, Rao G Y, You R L, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Spatial autocorrelation of genetic variation in three stands of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae, s. l.). Ann. Bot., 86: 113–121.

    204.Yu H, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme diversity and population genetic structure of Pinus densata Master in northwestern Yunnan, China. Bioch. Genet., 38(5/6): 138–146.

    205.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Identification of genomic constitution of three tetraploid Oryza species through two–probe genomic in situ hybridzation. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 19–22.

    206.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 2000. Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis. Science in China (series C). 43(3):454–463.

    207.Xie Z W, Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Lu B R, 2000. Evaluation of in situ conservation of Oryza rufipogon populations using RAPD markers. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 17–19.

    208.Wang L Z, Hong D Y, 2000. Campanula gansuensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from China, and its systematic position. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 41: 159–163.

    209.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. Comparison of ITS sequences between wild Ginseng DNA and Garden Ginseng DNA. China J. Chinese Mater. Med., 25(4): 206–209.

    210.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. A review on germplasm studies about Chinese gingseng. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal., 25(5):289–292.

    211.Gao L, Ge S, Hong D–Y, 2000. A preliminary study on ecological differentiation within the common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. Acta Agron. Sin., 26(2): 210–216.

    212.Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 2000. Plant cytotaxonomy. In Zhou C L (ed.): Modern Biology. China Zhigong Publishers, Beijing,629–632.

    213.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. The relationships among the CC, DD, and EE genome in Oryza officinalis complex detected by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(3):18–20.

    214.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 2000. A cytological observation of Rodgersia aesculifolia Batalin (Saxifragaceae) collected in Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces, China. Chromsome Science, 4:65–68.

    215.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2000. A comparative chromosomal study of five species of Chrysospleniumcollected in the northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 4:69–74.

    216.Funamoto T, Suzuki R, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2001. Comparative karyomorphology of five species of Saxifraga in northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 5:27–34.

    217.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Phylogeny of the genus Oryza as revealed by molecular approaches. Proceedings of 4th International Rice Genetics Symposium. Los Banos ( Philippines): IRRI . pp.89–105.

    218.Hong D Y, Pan K Y and Rao G Y, 2001. Cytogeography and taxonomy of the Paeonia obovata polyploid complex. Pl. Syst. Evol., 227: 123–136.

    219.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Identification of genome constitution of Oryza malampuzhaensis, O. minuta, and O. punctata by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:197–203.

    220.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Genomic differentiation and inter-genomic relationships among C, E and D genomes in Oryza officinalis complex (Poaceae) as revealed by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:204–211.

    221.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers. Theor. Appl.Genet., 102:440–449.

    222.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001. Clonality in wild rice ( Oryza rufipogon, Poaceae) and its implications for conservation management. Amer. J. Bot., 88(6): 1058–1064.

    223.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Genetic erosion in northern "">224.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of Oryza rufipogon Griff. J. Pl. Res., 114:107–113.

    225.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. High levels of genetic differentiation of Oryza officinalis Wall. et Watt. from China. Journ. Hered.,92(6):511–516.

    226.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Lin R S, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 2001. Low allozyme variation and conservation genetics of common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. from Yunnan, China. Euphytica, 124: 273–281.

    227.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Turland N J, 2001. Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Paeoniaceae), a new combination. Novon, 11: 315–318.

    228.Hong D Y, 2001. Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39:544–546.

    229.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 6:127–132. Science Press and MissouriBotanic Garden Press.

    230.Song B H, Wang X Q, Li F Z, Hong D Y, 2001. Further evidence for paraphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol., 228:107–115.

    231.Lu B R, Ge S, Sang T, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 2001. The current taxonomy and perplexity of the genus Oryza (Poaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39(4):373–388.

    232.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B–R, Hong D Y, 2001. Rapid and reliable identification of rice genomes by RFLP analysis of PCR–amplified Adhgenes. Genome, 44:1136–1142.

    233.钱韦,谢中稳,葛颂**,洪德元,2001。中国疣粒野生稻的分布、濒危现状和保护前景。植物学报, 43(12):1279–1287。

    234.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Sun L J, Hong D Y, Peng P H, 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Ecol., 11: 1057–1063.

    235.Ge S, Li A, Lu B R, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 2002. A phylogeny of the rice tribe Oryzeae based on matK sequence data. Amer. J. Bot., 89(2):1967–1972.

    236.Hong D Y, 2002. Two new species of Campanulaceae from South Africa. Taxon, 51 (4): 731–735.

    237.Wang Y Z, M. M?ller, Hong D Y, 2002. Patterns and significance of Floral Development in Whytockia (Gensneriaceae). Plant Biology. 4(2002):492-502.

    238.Hong D Y, Zhou S L, 2003. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Caucasus. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 143:135–150.

    239.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Mao J F, Ogura H, 2003. A comparative chromosomal study of three Rhodiola species (Crassulaceae) collected in central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China. Chromsome Science, 7:55–60.

    240.Liu Z L, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Wang X R, 2003. Chromosomal localization of 5S and 18S–5.8S–25S ribosomal DNA sites in five Asian pines using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 106: 198–204.

    241.Zhou Z Q, Pan K Y, *Hong D Y, 2003. Phylogenitic analyses of Paeonia section Moutan (Tree peonies, Paeoniaceae) based on morphological data. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 41(5): 436–446.

    242.Yang F S, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Unexpected high divergence in nrDNA ITS and extensive parallelism in floral morphology of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 240: 91–105.

    243.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 2003. Cytoplasmic composition in Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine. Mol. Ecol., 12: 2995–3001.

    244.Wei X X, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Marked intragenomic heterogeneity and geographical differentiation of nrDNA ITS in Larix potaninii (Pinaceae). J. Mol. Evol., 57(6): 623–635.

    245.Yang F S, *Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2003. A new species and a new specific synonym of Pedicularis (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Novon, 13: 363–367.

    246.周志钦,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2003。 牡丹组野生种间亲缘关系和栽培牡丹起源研究进展。 园艺学报, 30 (6): 751–757.

    247.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, 2004. Paeonia saueri (Paeoniaceae), a new species from the Balkans. Taxon, 53(1): 83—90.

    248.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2004. A taxonomical revision of the Paeonia anomala L. complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 91(1): 87—98.

    249.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Zhou Z Q, 2004. Circumscription of Paeonia suffruticosa and identification of cultivated tree peonies. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 275—283.

    250.林启冰,周志钦,赵宣,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2004。 基于Adh基因家族序列的牡丹组(Sect. Moutan DC.)种间关系。园艺学报, 31 (5): 627–632。

    251.Sang T, Pan J, Zhang D M, Ferguson D, Wang C, Pan K Y,Hong D Y, 2004. Origins of polyploids: an example from peonies (Paeonia) and a model for angiosperms. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 82: 561—571.

    252.Zhao X, Zhou Z Q, Li Q B, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 2004. Molecular evidence for the interspecific relationships in Paeonia sect. Moutan: PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) gene. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 236—244.

    253.Zhou S L, Wen J, Hong D Y, 2004. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Eleutherococcus senticosus and E. brachypus(Araliaceae) form China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 21 (2): 993–1007.

    254.Noguchi J, Hong D Y, 2004. Multiple origins of the Japanese Nocturnal Hemerocalls citrina var. vespertina (asparagales: hemerocallidaceae): evidence from Noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 165(1): 219–230.

    255.Noguchi J, Hong D Y, Grant W F, 2004. The historical evolutionary development of Hemerocallis middendorfii (Hemerocallidaceae) revealed by non-coding regions in chloroplast DNA. Plant Syst. Evol., 247: 1–22.

    256.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2005. Notes on taxonomy of Paeonia sect. Moutan DC. (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 43(2): 169–177.



    259.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, Koruklu S T , 2005. On the circumscription of Paeonia kesrouanensis, an east Mediterranean peony. Nord. J. Bot., 23(4): 395–400.

    260.*Hong D Y, Castroviejo S, 2005. Proposal to conserve the name Paeonia broteri against P. lusitanica (Paeoniaceae). Taxon, 54(1): 211–212.

    261.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2006. The identity of Paeonia corsica SIEBER ex TAUSCH (Paeoniaceae), with special reference to its relationship with P. mascula (L.) MILL. Feddes Repert., 117(1-2):65-84.

    262.Bao Y, Zhou H F, Hong D Y, Ge S, 2006. Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationships of Oryza Species with the B-and C-Genomes as Revealed by SSR Markers. J. Plant Biology, 49(5):339-347.

    263.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M & Koruklu S T, 2007. Paeonia daurica Andrews or P. mascula ssp. triternata (Pall. ex DC.) Stearn & P. H. Davis (Paeoniaceae)? Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 154: 1-11.

    264.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2007. Paeonia cathayana D. Y. Hong & K. Y. Pan, a new tree peony, with revision of P. suffruticosa ssp. yinpingmudan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 45(3): 285-288.

    265.李心正,张大明, 洪德元,2007。万寿竹属(百合科)一新种—金佛山万寿竹。植物分类学报,45(4):583-586。

    266.Tan D Y, Li X R, Hong D Y, 2007. Amana kuocangshanica (Liliaceae), a new species from south-east China. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.,154:435-442. with 9 figures.

    267.Hong D Y, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Koruklu S T & Tzanoudakis D, 2008. Relationships and taxonomy of Paeonia arietina G. Anderson complex (Paeoniaceae) and its allies. Taxon, 57(3): 922-932.

    268.Chen J Y, Zhang Z S & Hong D Y, 2009. A taxonomic revision of the Syringa pubescens complex (Oleaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 96: 237—250.

    269. Hong D Y, 2010, Nomenclatural notes on the Morinaceae and Valerianaceae in China. Novon 20(4): 418–419.

    270. Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomic notes on Chinese Campanulaceae. Novon 20(4): 420–425.

    271.Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomical notes on the genus Adenophora (Campanulaceae) in China. Novon 20(4): 426–428.

    272. Ge S & Hong D Y, 2010, Biosystematic studies on the Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). J. Syst. Evol. 48(6): 445-454.

    273. Jin X F, Ding B Y, Zhang Y J, and Hong D Y, 2010. A Taxonomic Revision of Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi sect. Brachycalyx(Ericaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 97(2):163–190.

    274. Hong D Y. 2010. Peonies of the World: Taxonomy and Phytogeography. 1-302. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    275. Hong D Y,2011. Paeonia rotundiloba (D.Y.Hong) D.Y.Hong: A new status in tree peonies(Paeoniaceae). J.Syst.Evol. 49(5): 464-467.

    276.Hong D Y, 2011, Campanulaceae, Morinaceae, Dipsacaceae, Valerianaceae, etc. in WU, Raven & Hong (eds.) : Flora of China.19:505-564. Science Press & Missouri Bot. Gard.

    277. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2011. Character analysis and taxonomic revision of the Microtoena insuavis Complex (Lamiaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 165(3): 315-327.

    278. Hong DY. 2011. Peonies of the World: Polymorphism and Diversity. 1-94. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    279.Hong,D Y,* & Pan,K Y,2012, Pollen morphology of the platycodonoid group (Campanulaceae s.str.) and its systematic implications, J. Integr. Plant Biol. 54(10):773-789

    280. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2012. Identity of Microtoena affinis (Lamiaceae). Syst. Bot. 37(4): 1031-1034.

    281.Hong D Y and Blackmore S, 2013. Plants of China, A Companion of the Flora of China . Beijing: Science Press.

    282. Zhou Z, Hong D Y, Niu Y, Li G D, Nie Z L, Wen J and Sun H* 2013. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of the Sino-Himalayan endemic genus Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) and implications for the evolution of its sexual system. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 68: 482-497

    283. Wang Q, Zhou S L and Hong D Y,* 2013. Molecular Phylogeny of the Platycodonoid Group (Campanulaceae s.str.) with Special Reference to Circumscription of Codonopsis. Taxon 62: 498-504

    284Guang-Fu,Chen,Wen-Guang Sun,De-Yuan Hong, Zhuo Zhiy,Yang Niu,Ze-Long Nie,Hang Sun, Jian-Wen Zhang,Zgu-Min Li 2014. Systematic of cytolotgy in Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) endemic to the Sino-Himalayan region. J.Syst. Evol. 52(3): 260-270

    285.Hong D Y, 2014, Six New Species and One New Subspecies of Codonopsis (Camlanulaceae) from the Pan-Himalaya. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 285-295

    286. Hong D Y,2014, The Identuty of Codonopsis Draco Pamp. (Campanulaceae) with Special Reference to Its Endangered State. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 301-302

    287.Qiang Wang,Xiao-Quan Wang,Hang Sun,Yan Yu,Xing-Jin He and De-Yuan Hong*(2014) Evoludtion of the platycodondoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 56(10):995-1008.

    288. Qiang Wang,Xin-Tang Ma and De-Yuan Hong* (2014) Phylogenetic analyses reveal three new genera of the Campanulaceae Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 52(5): 541-550

    289. Zhou Shiliang, Zou Xinhui, Zhou Zhiqin, Liu Jing, Xu Chao,Yu Jing, Wang Qiang, Zhang Daming, Wang Xiaoquan, Ge Song, Sang Tao, Pan Kaiyu, Hong Deyuan* (2014) Multiple species of wild tree peonies gave rise to the “king of flowers” Paeonia suffruticosa Andredws Proceedings of the Royal

    SocietyB:BiologicalSciences.2014.281(1797):0141687.http://dx.orf/10.1098/rspb.2014.1687 IF5-year=5.808

    290.Wang Q., Hong Deyuan* (2014) Codonopsis gongshanica (Campanulaceae), a new species from NW Yunan based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Phytyotaxa 188(3):145-152 IF5-year=1.391

    291.De-Yuan Hong* and Qiang Wang(2015) A new taxonomic system of the Campanulaceae s.s. Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 53(3): 203-209

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  1962年毕业于复旦大学生物系。1966年中国科学院植物研究所研究生毕业。1988年至今任中国科学院植物研究所研究员、1991–2001年任系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室主任。在玄参科、桔梗科和鸭跖草科植物分类和系统学研究中做出了突出贡献,提出了多个属的新系统,发现8个新属、50多个新种;在英文专著“Taxonomy and Evolution of the tribe Veroniceae,Scrophulariaceae”《婆婆纳族的分类和进化》(1984: 哥本哈根)运用了新方法,提出了起源和进化的新观点,建立了该族的进化系统;对毛莨科、桔梗科和百合科的细胞分类学和物种生物学研究有新发现;1990年出版的《植物细胞分类学》是世界上该领域的第一部专著,为植物细胞分类学的发展做出了贡献。1991年被选为中科院院士(学部委员)。90年代起集中精力从事世界的牡丹、芍药和桔梗科植物的专著研究。在国外出版英文专著“Peonies of the World”(世界的牡丹芍药)(系列1,和2:2010, 2011,英国);2015年由Elsevier和Science Press联合出版“A Monograph of Codonopsis and Allied Genera”(党参属及近缘属专著)。现致力于主持重大国际合作项目“泛喜马拉雅地区植物志”(Flora of Pan-Himalaya),将由剑桥大学出版社和科学出版社联合出版。 


















  2001年-2013年:《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)编委会中方副主席
  2011年-:《Flora of Pan-Himalaya》(泛喜马拉雅植物志)主编。
  主持国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目两项:“Flora of China”,“Flora of Pan-Himalaya”;
  1、 硕士生
  邱均专 1983-1986 中国科学院植物研究所
  2、 博士生
  张大明 1988-1991 中国科学院植物研究所
  葛   颂  1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  斐颜龙 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  饶广远 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  黄锦玲 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  周世良 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  王印政 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  华志明 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养 副导师
  覃海宁 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所
  周 毅  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  张寿洲  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  高立志  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  汪小全  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所
  陈世龙  1994-1997 中国科学院西北高原研究所 联合培养
  张宪春  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 联合培养
  丁开宇  1995-1998 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  马小军  1995-1998 北京药植所 联合培养 副导师
  何兴金  1995-1998 四川大学 联合培养
  俸宇星  1996-1999 中国科学院植物研究所
  谢中稳  1996-1999 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  钱  韦  1997-2000 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  李常宝   1997-2000 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  赵惠恩   1997-2000 北京林业大学 联合培养
  刘占林   1999-2002 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  宋葆华   2000-2003 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  杨福生   2000-2003 中国科学院植物研究所  合作培养
  谭敦炎   2000-2005 中国科学院植物研究所
  邓辉胜   2002-2005  浙江大学 联合培养
  于艳华   2002- 200   浙江大学 联合培养   
  陈进勇   2002-2008  中国科学院植物研究所
  金孝丰   2003-2006  浙江大学 联合培养
  夏 涛   2004- 2008 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  程   瑾 2004- 2009 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王建秀   2005-2010  中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王   强   2008- 2011 中国科学院植物研究所 
  石   硕   2010- 2014 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  于   静   2011- 2014 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  王华峰   2012- 2015 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  刘彬彬   2013- 2018  中国科学院植物研究所 
  3、 博士后
  杨亲二 1991-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  卢宝荣 1993-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  虞    泓 1996-1998 中国科学院植物研究所
  何田华  1999-2001 中国科学院植物研究所
  周志欣  2002-2006 中国科学院植物研究所  
  袁军辉  2011-2014 中国科学院植物研究所 

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    二十世纪七十年代从事《中国高等植物图鉴》和《中国高等植物检索表》,以及《中国植物志》中玄参科、桔梗科和鸭跖草科的编研,并在以后断断续续进行这些科中一些重要类群的系统学研究。发现7个新属,两个新记录属,60个新种,建立了婆婆纳属、婆婆纳族、沙参属等类群的新系统,尤其是“蓝钟花属的系统学”(植物分类学报)和《婆婆纳族的分类和进化,兼论孢粉学》(英文专著,1984年哥本哈根出版)在国际上产生了较大影响。在这一专著研究中,指出了国际一些著名刊物的文章中关于孢粉形态描述的错误,并创立了一个恢复孢粉形状的新方法。修正了认为花粉由3沟向3孔沟演化这一传统观点,认为至少在玄参科和豆科中也存在3孔沟向3沟演化的趋势。还就玄参科的起源和散布问题向国际植物学权威提出挑战, 认为玄参科是一个古老的科,在泛古大陆分裂以前就已起源,南半球的类群(如Hebe属)并不都是从北半球迁移过去的。在《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)中主持完成了玄参科、鸭跖草科和芍药科。自80年代以来,一直从事芍药科(属)的研究。利用美国地理学会的基金,和助手跑遍了中国生长牡丹和芍药的几乎所有大山(包括西藏、横断山、天山、阿尔泰山),澄清了中国和亚洲芍药科的分类和生物学特性,推测了牡丹的祖先和起源证据。已在国内外著名刊物上发表芍药科的研究论文近20篇,1999年、2001年、2002年和助手远赴高加索地区、法国、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、希腊、土耳其及地中海岛屿,专门考察那里的芍药属植物,把研究范围伸向全世界。




    二十世纪九十年代以后,把主要精力集中于指导博士研究生,筹建植物分子系统学实验室,带领青年学者承担国家和中国科学院的重大项目。主持的国家自然科学基金委《八·五》重大项目“中国主要濒危植物保护生物学研究”(1993-1997)聚集了大学和科研院所一批优秀的中青年学者,第一次从种群生态学(population ecology)、生殖生物学和遗传多样性三方面(纵)分别研究10个代表物种,并以近缘广布种为对照(横),进而进行纵横结合,综合分析濒危物种的致濒机理,提出保护的科学策略。这一研究带动了我国居群遗传学(population genetics)、保护遗传学(conservation genetics))和生殖生态学的发展。2000年起作为科技部973项目首席科学家,主持“长江流域生物多样性变化、可持续利用与区域生态安全”项目。二十世纪九十年代中期发起稻属系统和进化研究。和葛颂研究员联合主持了中国科学院《九·五》重大项目《若干重要濒危植物的进化生物学研究》(1997-2000)。该研究组集中稻属的研究,同葛颂等合作利用多基因测序,勾划了稻属全部23个种的系统发育关系,揭示了一些多倍体的起源,特别是把稻属一个长期未定的基因组定为K。同张大明研究员和李常宝博士合作利用原位杂交技术(GISH)令人信服地查明了药稻(Oryza officinalis)复合体各基因组之间的关系和四倍体的起源。在居群水平上,同葛颂、高立志、谢中稳、张寿洲和钱韦等合作,揭示了中国三种野生稻的濒危状况、遗传多样性及其空间分布,以及影响遗传多样性的生态因子,为制订保护野生稻的策略提供了坚实的科学基础。许多文章发表于美国科学院院刊(PNAS)以及其它一些国际权威学术刊物上,使我国占据了稻属生物学研究的国际前沿。



    1. Hong D Y, 1974. Revisio Commelinacearum Sinicarum. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 12(4): 459–487.

    2. Hong D Y, 1974. Scrophulariaceae (excl. Pedicularis). In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Tom. 4. 1–61. Science Press, Beijing.

    3. Hong D Y, 1975. Commelinaceae. In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Inconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorm. Tom. 5: 393–403. Science Press, Beijing.

    4. Hong D Y, Zhu Z H, ("Gong Tong"),1976. Studies on Chinese Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 38–50 +2 colour plates.

    5. Hong D Y,1976. Discussion on the basic principle of taxonomy. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 92–100.

    6. Ying T S, Hong D Y, 1978. A preliminary study on the major plant communities and its vertical distribution of Guhsiang region in southeastern Tibet. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1):46–60.

    7. Hong D Y, 1978. The taxometric study of Veronica ciliata Fisch. group (Scrophulariaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16 (3): 20–24.

    8. Hong D Y, 1979. Scrophulariaceae:Veronica and other 18 genera. In Tsoong P C and Yang H P (eds.): Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 67 (2). Science Press, Beijing.

    9. Hong D Y, 1980. Wulfeniopsis Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from the Himalayas. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(1): 50–52.

    10. Hong D Y, 1980. New taxa of Campanulaceae from Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(2): 245–247.

    11. Hong D Y 1980. Homocodon Hong---- a new genus of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(4): 473–475.

    12. Hong D Y, 1980. Kashmiria (Scrophulariaceae, Veroniceae), a new name for Falconeria Hook. fil from the western Himalayas. Bot. Notisser, 133: 565–567.

    13. Hong D Y, 1981. A new species of the genus Tricarpelema J. K. Morton form Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(4):529–531.

    14. Hong D Y, 1982. A new karyotype for Narcissus tazetta L. Hereditas, 97(1): 29–31.

    15. Hong D Y, 1982. Cytotype variation and polyploidy in Scilla autumnalis L. (Liliaaceae). Hereditas, 97: 227–235.

    16. Hong D Y, 1983. in Inst. Bot. (ed.): Scrophulariaceae & Campanulaceae in Inst. Claves Familiarum Generumque Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Science Press, Beijing.

    17. Hong D Y, Nilsson S, 1983. On the validity of the genus Cochlidiospermum Reichenb. (Scrophulariaceae) as supported by additional palynological evidence. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 21 (2): 143–150 + 2 plates.

    18. Hong D Y, 1983. On pollen shape in some groups of dicotyledons. Grana, 22:73–78.

    19. Hong D Y, 1983. Advances of plant taxonomy in China. Plants.

    20. Hong D Y, 1983. The distribution of Scrophulariaceae in the Holarctic with special reference to the floristic relationships between E. Asia and North America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 70: 701–712.

    21. Hong D Y, 1983. Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae, Stylidiaceae In Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 73(2). Science Press, Beijing. pp. 203

    22. Hong D Y, 1984. Echinocodon Hong, a new genus of Campanulaceae and its systematic position. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (3): 181–184 + 2 plates.

    23. Hong D Y, 1984. Chromosomes of six fabaceous species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (4):301–305 + 2 plates.

    24. Hong D Y, 1984. Taxonomy and evolution of the Veroniceae (Scrophulariaceae) with special reference to palynology. Opera Botanica, 75: 1–60. Copenhagen.

    25. Hong D Y, 1985. Veronica and 2 other genera. in Wu C Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol. 4. Science Press, Beijing

    26. Hong D Y, 1986. Biosystematic observation on 5 species of Consolida (Ranunculaceae). Acta Bot. Sin., 28 (1):1–10 + 2 plates.

    27. Hong D Y, 1986. A new genus of Scrophulariaceae from Xizang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 24(2):139–142.

    28. Hong D Y, 1986. Karyotype uniformity of Streptolirion volubile subsp. volubile (Commelinaceae) from China and Japan. Acta Phytotax Sin., 24 (4) 264–267 + 1 plate.

    29. Hong D Y, Lang K Y, Zhang Z X, 1986. A cytotaxonomical study on the genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) (1)----Karyotypes of 7 species from Sichuan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5):353–361+ 2 plates.

    30. Hong D Y, 1986. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol.5. Science Press, Beijing

    31. Hsu P S, Hong D Y, 1987. Current situation in development of cytotaxonomy. Reference Material for Biology, 22:1–14. Science Press, Beijing.

    32. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1987. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.) (1): report on karyotypes of 10 species of 6 genera. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(4): 245–253 + 2 plates.

    33. Hong D Y, 1987. Sinobacopa Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25 (5): 393–295.

    34. Hong D Y, 1987. The modes of speciation connected with chromosomal structural reorganization in plants. Botanical Research, 3:23–34.

    35. Hong D Y, Zhang Z X, Zhu X Y, 1988. Studies on the genus Paeonia (1)----report of karyotypes of some wild species in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 26(1): 33–43 + 4 plates.

    36. Hong D Y (ed.), 1989. Plant Chromosome research. Proceedings of Sino-Japanese Symposium on Plant Chromosomes(1987). Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 437.

    37. Hong D Y, Ma L M, Chen T, 1989. A discussion on the karyotype and evolution of the tribe Convallarieae (s.l.)(Liliaceae). In Hong D Y. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. PP. 123–129.

    38. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytogeographical study of the Adenophora gmelinii complex. In Hong D Y (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 69–73.

    39. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.): (2) report on chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 8 speceis of 8 genera form Zheijiang Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 27 (6): 439–450 + 3 plates.

    40. Hong D Y, 1989. Studies on the genus Paeonia (2) ----the characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance. Chinese Journ. Bot., 1(2): 145–153 + 4 plates.

    41. Hong D Y, 1989. The karyotype and its variation of Hyacinthoides italica (L.) Rothm. (Hyacinthaceae). Cathaya, 1: 17–22.

    42. Sauer W, Hong D Y, 1989. Die vegetation des Ostmandschurischen Berglandes, Dargestellt an den Vegetationsverhaltnissen des Changbai Shan, Provinz Jilin, Nordost–China. Bios (Thessaloniki): 205–210.

    43. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1990. Report on karyotypes of 6 species in 4 genera of the Polygonateae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 185–198 + 1 plate.

    44. Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1990. Pollen morphology and epidermal characters of leaves in Convallarieae (s.l.). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(3): 228–236 + 3 plates.

    45. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1990. A chromosomal study on 7 species of Smilax L. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 211–222 + 3 plates.

    46. Hong D Y, 1990. The crisis of biodiversity in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 5(2): 117–200.

    47. Hong D Y, Sauer W, 1990. Cytotaxonomical studies of the Liliaceae (s.l.) in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China. Cathaya, 2: 151–164.

    48. Hong D Y, Zhang S Z, 1990. Observations on chromosomes of some plants from western Sichuan. Cathaya, 2: 191–197.

    49. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1990. Notes on two species of the genus Adenophora from Liaoning Prov. and their chromosome numbers. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(5): 397–420 + 1 plate.

    50. Hong D Y, 1990. Plant Cytotaxonomy. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). pp. 439.

    51. Qu L H, Yu X Q, Hong D Y, Lu Y Q, 1990. Ls–rRNA 5' nucleotide sequence of Rohdea japonica (Liliaceae) and its evolutionary significance. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (6): 425– 429.

    52. Hong D Y, 1991. A biosystematic study on Ranunculus Subgen. Batrachium in S. Sweden. Nord. J. Bot., 11(1):41–59.

    53. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Systematics of the genus Cyananthus Royle ( Campanulaceae ). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 29(1): 25–51 + 1 plate.

    54. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Homocodon pedicellata, a new species of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(3):268–269.

    55. Hong D Y, 1991. The present status and future ten years prospect in studies of biological systematics and evolution. In Proceedings of Symposium on Future Ten Years Biology, Sponsored by Academia Sinica. Shanghai Science and Technology Press. pp. 72–81.

    56. Nakata M, Hong D Y, 1991. Fluorescent chromosome banding with chromomycin A3 and DAPI in Paeonia japonica and P. obovata.Chromosome Information Service, 50:19–21.

    57. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H., Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1991. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. I. Karyotype of Dendranthema vestitum. J. Jpn. Bot., 66: 199–204.

    58. Ma C, Lin Z P, Hong D Y, 1991. The status of rare and endangered plants in China and efforts for their protection. 247–256. In Adams R P and Adams J E (eds.): Conservaton of Plant Genes, DNA Banking and in vitro Biotechnology. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego.

    59. Hong D Y(editor of English edition), 1992. China Plant Red Data Book (Chinese rare and endangered plants). Vol.l. pp.741. Science Press. Beijing.

    60. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H, Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China.Ⅱ. A possible natural hybrid between Dendranthema indicum (2n=36) and D. vestitum (2n=54) from Hubei Province. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:92–100.

    61. Hong D Y, Zhang T J, 1992. A revision of Lobelia Subgen. Tupa (Campanulaceae) in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (2): 146–162 + 3 plates.

    62. Xiong Z T, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, 1992. A quantitatiye method measuring karyotype asymmetry and its application to evolutionary study. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (3): 279–288.

    63. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. The Campanulaceae. In Li X W and Zhu Z Y (eds.): Flora Sichuanica, Vol. 10: 515–586. Sichuan Nationality Press.

    64. Chen L J, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1992. Triodanis Raf., a new recorded genus of Campanulaceae in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(5): 473–475.

    65. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. Scrophulariaceae, Campanulaceae, Valerianaceae, Dipsacaceae, Commelinaceae. In Wang W T (ed.): Synopsis of Plants from the Hengduan Mountains. Science Press, Beijing. pp. 1759–1776; 1925–1934; 1950–1972; 2408–2411.

    66. Chen R Y, An Z P, Song W Q, Li X L, Zong W X, Taniguchi K, Hong D Y, 1992. The G-banded karyotype of Lilium davidii L. Cathaya, 4:9–20.

    67. Sauer W, Hong D Y, Gebert S, 1992. Contributions to flora and vegetation of Changbai Shan----Province Jilin, Northeast China. Ⅰ. Meadow and tall forb formations, excluding the alpine formations. Ann. Di Bot., 1:71–95.

    68. Hong D Y, 1992. Two new species of Valeriana (Valerianaceae) from Southwest China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(4): 371–374.

    69. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Song G, Hong D Y, Nakata M, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. IV. karyomorphological characteristics of three species of Ajania. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:324–329.

    70. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1993. A biosystematic study in Adenophora gmelinii complex (Campanulaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(1): 17–41.

    71. Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1993: Karyotype study of the genus Theropogon. Acta Bot. Yunnan., 15 (3):263–268.

    72. Hong D Y, 1993. Eastern Asian----North American disjunctions and their biological significance. Cathaya, 5:1–39.

    73. Yang Q E, Gu Z J, Wu Z Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyomorphological study in Aconitum subgen. Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Yunnan,China. Cathaya, 5:89–114.

    74. Wang X Q, Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1993. A study on pollen and seed coat in the tribe Cimicifugeae and some allied genera (Ranunculaceae). Cathaya, 5:131–149.

    75. Fu C X, Shen C D, Zhang C Q, Hong D Y, 1993. Variation and evolution of the karyotype of Smilax Ⅱ. Karyotype analysis of seven species from southern China. Cathaya, 5:151–166.

    76. Yu Z H, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A cytogeographic study on Scilla scilloides (Liliaceae) in four provinces of China. Cathaya, 5: 189–194.

    77. Hong D Y, Fu L K, 1993. The Chinese flora, its important position and crisis. Chinese Biodiversity, 1: 5–8.

    78. Hoshino T, Okamura K, Hong D Y, Dai L K, Nakata M, Tanaka R, 1993. Cytological studies of Chinese Cyperaceae (1): Chromosome counts of nine species collected from Jilin, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces. J. Jap. Bot. 68(2):65–69.

    79. Yang Q E, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyotype study of 7 species of Aconitum L. from China. J. Plant Resour. & Environ., 2(2): 33–38.

    80. Nilsson S, Hong D Y, 1993. The taxonomical significance of Aragoa-pollen (Scrophulariaceae). Opera Bot., 121:275–278.

    81. Keng H, Hong D Y, Chen C J, 1993. Orders and Families of Seed Plants of China. World Scientific. Singapore. pp. 444.

    82. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1993. Karyotype, fluorescent banding and localization of rRNA genes in Scilla scilloides var. alboviridis. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-71–72:2437– 2442.

    83. Yang Q E, Wang Y Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotype study of Porandra Hong (Commelinaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(3):232–234 + 1 plate.

    84. Yang Q E, Luo Y B, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotypic study of six species in the Ranunculaceae from Hunan, China. Guihaia, 14(1):27–36 + 3 plates.

    85. Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Li X Y, 1994. Paeonia in Xinjiang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4): 349–355.

    86. Wang X Q, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyomorphological study of nine species in four genera of Ranunculaceae. Cathaya, 6: 43–56.

    87. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yamasaki Y, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1994. Fluorescent chromosome bandings in two Chinese varieties of Larix gmelinii, Pinaceae. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2563–2570.

    88. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, LuoY B, Hong D Y, 1994. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia---two species in North Chinaregion. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2576–2582.

    89. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, LuoY B, Nakata M, 1994. Cytological studies of three species of Chrysosplenium in North China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2583–2590.

    90. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Nakata M, Taniguchi K, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, Zhang D M, Qiu J Z, Liu D X, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1994. Long-term cooperative researches by Japanese and Chinese botanists in cytogenetics of Japan-China related Chrysanthemum sensu lato. pp.9–24. In Tanaka R. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    91. Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Li J L, 1994. Meiosis and homeologous pairing in a spontaneous tetrahaploid (2n=28) of Trititrigia Mac Key. (in English). pp. 410–420. In Tanaka R (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    92. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). I. Phenotypic plasticity. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(6):489–503.

    93. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅱ. Crossing experiment. Cathaya, 6:15–26.

    94. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Genetic diversity and its detection. In Qian Y Q and Ma K P (eds.): Principles and Methodologies of Biodiversity Studies. Chinese Science and Technology Press, Beijing. pp. 123–140.

    95. Pei Y L, Hong D Y, 1995. Paeonia qiui---A new woody species of Paeonia from Hubei, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(1):91–93.

    96. Hong D Y 1995. The geography of the Campanulaceae: on the distribution centres. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(6):521–536.

    97. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1995. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅲ. Genetic variation and taxonomic value of morphological characters. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(5):433–443.

    98. Hizume M, Kuzukawa Y, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1995. Localization of rDNAs and fluorescent bandings in chromosomes of Larix potaninii var. macrocarpa collected in Sichuan,China. La Chromosomo Ⅱ-78:2689–2694.

    99. Pei Y L, Zou Y P, Yin Z, Wang X Q, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1995. Preliminary report of RAPD analysis in Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea and Paeonia rockii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4):350–356.

    100.Hong D Y, 1995. Rescuing genetic resources of wild rices in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 10(4):325–326.

    101.Fu C X, Shen C D, Huang A J, Hong D Y, 1995. Variation and evolution of the karyotype in Smilax and Heterosmilax (Smilacaceae) Ⅲ. Analysis of karyotypes and evolution from twelve taxa in Southern China. Cathaya, 7:105–124.

    102.Hong D Y, Ge S, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Chen S Z, 1995. Principles and approaches to studying the mechanisms of plant rarity and endangerment. In Qian Y Q & Zhen R D (eds): Advances in Studies on Biodiversity. China Science and Technology Publishers, Beijing, 125–133.

    103.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Hizume M, 1995. Karyomorphology of Sedum aizoon var. aizoon and Viola biflora in Qinghaiprovince, China. La Kromosomo II 79–80:2760–2766.

    104.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, Hizume M, Yang Q E, Nakata M, 1995. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China V. A chromosome study of three species of Ajania, Cancrinia maximowiczii and Dendranthema lavandulifolium in the Chrysantheminae, the Anthemideae, the Compositae in Chinese Highlands. J. Jpn. Bot., 70:85–94.

    105.Hong D Y, 1996. Notes on some Scrophulariaceae from China. Novon, 6(1):22–24.

    106.Hong D Y, 1996. Additional notes on the Scrophulariaceae of China. Novon, 6(4): 372–374.

    107.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1996. Camparative studies on pollination biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(7): 530–540.

    108.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Pei Y L, 1996. The identity of Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti. Taxon, 45: 67–69.

    109.Hsu P S, Zhang Z Y, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 1996. Advances in chromosome studies and plant taxonomy. J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(2):177–187(I); J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(3):261–268(II).

    110.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Ge S, Hizume M, Shimada 1996. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia(Ⅱ)Three species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2845–2854.

    111.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Karyomorphological studies of three Chrysosplenium species in Qinghai Province,China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2855–2863.

    112.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Genetic analysis of isozyme loci in Adenophora potaninii complex. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(6):431–438 +2 plates.

    113.Zhou Y, Zou Y P, *Hong D Y, Zhou J M, Chen S Y, 1996. ITS 1 sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA in wild rices and cultivated rices of China and their phylogenetic implications. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(10):785–791.

    114.Huang J L, Zou Y P, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. PCR– RFLP analysis of rbcL gene in the tribe Convallarieae. Acta Phytotax.Sin., 34(5): 531–537 +1 plate.

    115.Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1996. Biodiversity and its conservation and management in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region of China. In Pei S J (ed.): Banking on Biodiversity, Report on the Regional Consultation on Biodiversity Assessment in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. pp. 131–180.

    116.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1996. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Cathaya argyrophylla. Sicence in China, (series C) 26(5):436–441 (in Chinese) & 1997, (series C), 40(2):145–151 (in English).

    117.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Endangered status of wild rices in China. Chinese Biodiversity, 4(3): 160–166.

    118.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Cytological studies of Saxifraga in China (1): Karyomorphology of five species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2873–2884.

    119.Wang Y Z, Pan K Y, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1996. An anamorphosis of gynoecium in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae), with phylogenetic implication. Acta Bot. Yunnan, 18(4): 431–432.

    120.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1996. Taxonomic studies on the nocturnal flowering group of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China.Acta Phytotax. Sin., 34(6): 586–591.

    121.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. Problems in the use of RAPD to the study of genetic diversity and systematics. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(12): 954–962.

    122.Idei S, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, 1996. Karyotype of Scorzonera austrica Willd. Of China by using fluorescence in situhybridization. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2893–2900.

    123.Huang J L, Hong D Y, 1996. Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae (Liliaceae, s.l.). Acta Phytotax Sin., 35 (2): 117–124 +5 plates.

    124.Huang J L, Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1997. Cytotaxonomic studies on the genus Aspidistra II. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(1):14–23 +5 plates.

    125.Wang X Q, Han Y, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1997. Phylogeny of the Pinaceae evidenced by molecular biology. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(2): 97–106.

    126.Zhang S Z, Pan K Y, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1997. Observations on abnormalities in meiosis of pollen mother cells of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea. Acta Bot. Sin., 39(5): 397–404.

    127.Hong D Y, 1997. Notes on Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz. Kew Bull., 52(4): 957–963.

    128.Hong D Y, 1997. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Xizang (Tibet). Novon, 7: 156–161.

    129.Hong D Y, 1997. Pollia macrobracteata Hong, a new species of Commelinaceae from China. Novon, 7(3): 252.

    130.Ge S, Wang H Q, Zhang C M, Hong D Y, 1997. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in BamianMountain. Acta. Bot. Sin., 39(3): 266–271.

    131.Ge S, B S Schaal, Hong D Y, 1997. A revaluation of the status of Adenophora lobophylla based on ITS sequence, with reference to the utility of ITS sequence in Adenophora. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 385–395.

    132.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. A cytotaxonomic study on Chinese endemic species of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(3): 215–218.

    133.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. Numerical taxonomic studies of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(4): 311–316.

    134.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1997. Progress in molecular systematics of plants in recent five years. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 465–480.

    135.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1997. Pollen and nutlet morphology in Mosla (Labiatae) and its systematic value. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 45(4): 343–350.

    136.Hong D Y, 1997. Validation of Paulownia catalpifolia (Scrophulariaceae). Novon, 7: 366.

    137.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphological studies in Parnassia yunnanensis var. longistipitata in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1:21–24.

    138.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphology of Chrysosplenium griffithii collected in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1: 61–64.

    139.Wang Y Z, Gu Z J, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotypes of Whytockia (Gesneriaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 28–35.

    140.Hong D Y, 1998. Cytology of Bryophytes. In Wu P C (ed.): Biology of Bryophytes. Science Press, Beijing. pp.61–101.

    141.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotype evidence for distinguishing between Hemerocallis esculenta and H. middendorfii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1):53–57.

    142.Chen S L, He T N, Hong D Y, 1998. On systematic position of Pterygocalyx (Gentianaceae). Acat Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 58–68.

    143.Zhang S Z, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1998. In situ hybridization and its application in studies on Oryza. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 87–96.

    144.Gao L Z, Zhou Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Liang Y M, Kin D H, Chen C B, Wu M S, Huang D A, 1998. Current status of the genetic resources of Oryza rufipogon Griff. and its conservation strategies in Guangxi. Scientia Agricultura Sinica., 31(1):32–39.

    145.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1998. The restoration of the genus Cyclocodon (Campanulaceae) and its evidence from pollen and seed–coat. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2): 106–110 +2 plates.

    146.Ding K Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Yu Z H, 1998. Cytotype variation and cytogeography of Scilla sinensis (Loureiro) Merrill (Hyacinthaceae) in China. Hereditas, 129:151–160.

    147.Ge S, Hong D Y, Wang H Q, Liu Z Y, Zhang C M, 1998. Population genetic structure and conservation of an endangered conifer, Cathaya argyrophylla (Pinaceae). Int. J. Plant Sci., 159(2): 351–357.

    148.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Yu H, 1998. Taxonomy of Paeonia delavayi complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 85:554–564.

    149.Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on conservation biology of endangered plant species in China. In Chiu S T, Peng C I (eds): Proceedings of the Cross–Strait Symposium on Floristic Biodiversity and Conservation. National Museum of Natural Science, Taichuang, 287–300.

    150.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast gene trnK in the Pinaceae, with special reference to the systematic position of Cathaya. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 46:265–271.

    151.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A molecular systematic study of Cathaya, a relic genus of the Pinaceae in China. Pl. Syst. Evol., 213: 165-172.

    152.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Luo Y B, 1998. Pollen morphology and its evolutionary significance in Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 18(2): 183–190.

    153.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hizume M, Kokubugata G, Hong D Y, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1998. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China VI. Karyomorphological characters of five species of Ajania and each one species of Brachanthemum, Dendranthema, Elachanthemum, Phaeostigma and Tanacetum in highlands of Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces. J. Jpn. Bot., 73: 128–136.

    154.Hizume M, Kondo K, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 1998. Fluorescence chromosome bandig in a Chinese larch, Larix chinensis Beissn. Chromosome Science, 2: 95–98.

    155.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1998. A karyomorphological comparison of four Saxifraga species collected in the western part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome science, 2: 103–109.

    156.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of three Parnassia species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 2: 111–115.

    157.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the Qin LingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromsome Science, 2:145–150.

    158.Luo Y B, Pei Y L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A study on pollination biology of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2):134–144.

    159.Xie Z W, Zhou Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Phylogenetic relationship of genus Oryza as revealed by RAPD analysis. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 23(3):6–8.

    160.Feng Y X, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A revaluation of the systematic position of the Cercidiphyllaceae and Daphniphyllaceae based on rbcL gene sequence analysis, with reference to the relationship in the “Lower” Hamamelidae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 411–422.

    161.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1998. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) IV. Allozyme variation and differentiation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):481–489.

    162.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Xie Z W, 1998. Yinpingmudan, the wild relative of the king of flowers, Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):515–520 +1 colour plate.

    163.Hong D Y, 1998. Paeonia rockii and its one new subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):538–543.

    164.Zhou S L, Zhang F, Wang Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. Genetic diversity of Mosla hangzhouensis and M. chinensis (Labiatae). Acta Genet. Sin., 25(2):173–180.

    165.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Pollination Intensity– and pollination efficiency–dependent nutlet set of Mosla hangchouensis(Labiatae). Acta Bot. Yunnan, 20(4):445–452.

    166.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Zhou Y P, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on Ginseng (Panax ginseng) RAPD fingerprinting with capillary PCR. Chinese Medicine and Herbs, 29(3):191–194.

    167.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP Analysis on phylogeny of Allium. Acta. Bot. Sin., 40(11):1083–1086.

    168.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1998. Advances in studies on molecular systematics. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences. 1:16–30. (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing.

    169.Wang X Q, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. The systematic position of Beesia: Evidence from ITS (nrDNA) sequence analysis. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 403–410.

    170.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, 1998. The newest advances and development trends of pollination biology. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences vol. 1: 48–57. Science Press, Beijing.

    171.Zhang S Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1998. Genomic in situ hybridization and its application to studies on evolutionary biology of plants. In Li C S (ed.): Advancs in Plant Sciences. Vol. 1:31–47. Science Press, Beijing.

    172.Hong D Y, Yang H B, Jin C L, Holmgren N H, 1998. Scrophulariaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven PH (ed.): Flora of China. 18: 1–212. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.

    173.Ding K Y, Ge S, Yu Z H, Hong D Y, 1999. Allozyme variation in the diploid (A genome) populations of Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce (Hyacinthaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 218: 23–31.

    174.Feng Y X, Chen Z D, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. A taxonomic revision of the Loropetalum–Tetrathyrium complex and its systematic position in the Hamamelidoideae, based on morphology and ITS sequence data. Taxon, 48: 689–700.

    175.Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Zhang W H, Zu Y G, 1999. Comparisons of genetic diversity in the endangered Adenophora lobophyllaand its widespread congener, A. potaninii. Conservation Biology, 13(3): 509–513.

    176.Ge S, Oliveira G C X, Schaal B A, Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. RAPD variation within and between natural populations of the wild rice Oryza rufipogon from China and Brazil. Heredity, 82: 638–644.

    177.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1999. Phylogeny of rice genomes with emphasis on origins of allotetraploid species. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA., 96(25): 14400–14405.

    178.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 19(3): 289–299.

    179.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. Pollination biology of Paeonia jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (Paeoniaceae), with special emphasis on pollen and stigma biology. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 130: 43–52.

    180.Hong D Y, Pan KY, 1999. Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(4):351–368.

    181.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Studies of morphological and allozyme variation of the endangered Adenophora lobophylla and its widespread congener A. potaninii. Acta Genet. Sin., 26(4):410–417.

    182.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. A new species of Chinese Adenophora (Campanulaceae). Novon, 9: 46.

    183.Xie Z W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Preparation of DNA from silica gel dried mini–amount of leaves of Oryza rufipogon for RAPD study and total DNA bank construction. Acta Bot. Sin., 41(8):807–812.

    184.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Sun S S, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1999. A study on RAPD fingerprintings of wild mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng). Acta Pharm. Sin., 34: 312–316.

    185.El–Twab M H Abd, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Isolation of a particular chromosome of Ajania remotipinna in a chromosome complement of an artificial F1 hybrid of Dendranthema lavandulifolia ×Ajania remotipinna by use of genomic in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 21–28.

    186.Hizume M, Shibata F, Kondo K, Hoshi Y, Kondo T, Ge S, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1999. Identification of chromosomes in two Chinese spruce species by multicolor fluorescense in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 37–41.

    187.Itouga M, Yamaguchi T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Funamoto T, Deguchi H, 1999. Genetic differentiation within sibling species of Conocephalum conicum (Marchantiales: Hepaticae) in East Asia. Bryol. Res., 7(8): 249–256.

    188.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A cytotaxonomy of six species of Chrysosplenium collected in the QinLing Mountains in Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 87–91.

    189.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 145–150.

    190.Oginuma K, Chen Z D, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Karyomorphology of three species of Spiraea (Rosaceae) in China. Chromosome Science, 3: 83–86.

    191.Ogura H, Kondo K, Morimoto K, Aizawa T, Chen Z D, Hong D Y, 1999. A karyological study of Allium grayi Regel and A. chinense G. Don in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 119–122.

    192.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Zhang J W, Luo Q Y, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 1999. A study on population genetic structure of Oryza meyeriana(Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill. from Yunnan and its in situ conservation significance. Science in China (Series C), 42(1): 102–108 (in English); 29(3): 297–302 (in Chinese).

    193.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. Nutlet dispersal of Mosla hangchouensis Matsuda (Labiatae). Guihaia, 19:176–179.

    194.Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. Advances in the studies on the genus Oryza in China. Scientia Agricultura sinica., 32(6):40–46.

    195.Hong D Y, 2000. A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(4):381–385.

    196.Hong D Y, 2000. Biosystematics, its meaning and problem of Chinese translation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(5):490–496.

    197.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xu Z X, Hong D Y, 2000. RAPD variation within and among populations of Ginseng cultivars. Acta Bot. Sin.,42(6):587–590.

    198.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Assessment of genetic variation of Oryza granulata detected by RAPDs and ISSRs. Acta Bot. Sin., 42(7):741–750.

    199.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Detection of differentiation among BB, CC and EE genomes in the genus Oryza by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Acta. Bot. Sin., 42(9): 988–990.

    200.Hong D Y, 2000. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 24: Science Press & Missouri Botanic GardenPress.

    201.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme variation and population genetic structure of commom wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. in China. Theor. Appl. Genet., 101(3): 494– 502.

    202.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Low level of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice, Oryza granulata Nees et Arn. ex Watt., from China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 161(4): 691–697.

    203.He T H, Rao G Y, You R L, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Spatial autocorrelation of genetic variation in three stands of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae, s. l.). Ann. Bot., 86: 113–121.

    204.Yu H, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme diversity and population genetic structure of Pinus densata Master in northwestern Yunnan, China. Bioch. Genet., 38(5/6): 138–146.

    205.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Identification of genomic constitution of three tetraploid Oryza species through two–probe genomic in situ hybridzation. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 19–22.

    206.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 2000. Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis. Science in China (series C). 43(3):454–463.

    207.Xie Z W, Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Lu B R, 2000. Evaluation of in situ conservation of Oryza rufipogon populations using RAPD markers. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 17–19.

    208.Wang L Z, Hong D Y, 2000. Campanula gansuensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from China, and its systematic position. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 41: 159–163.

    209.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. Comparison of ITS sequences between wild Ginseng DNA and Garden Ginseng DNA. China J. Chinese Mater. Med., 25(4): 206–209.

    210.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. A review on germplasm studies about Chinese gingseng. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal., 25(5):289–292.

    211.Gao L, Ge S, Hong D–Y, 2000. A preliminary study on ecological differentiation within the common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. Acta Agron. Sin., 26(2): 210–216.

    212.Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 2000. Plant cytotaxonomy. In Zhou C L (ed.): Modern Biology. China Zhigong Publishers, Beijing,629–632.

    213.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. The relationships among the CC, DD, and EE genome in Oryza officinalis complex detected by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(3):18–20.

    214.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 2000. A cytological observation of Rodgersia aesculifolia Batalin (Saxifragaceae) collected in Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces, China. Chromsome Science, 4:65–68.

    215.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2000. A comparative chromosomal study of five species of Chrysospleniumcollected in the northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 4:69–74.

    216.Funamoto T, Suzuki R, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2001. Comparative karyomorphology of five species of Saxifraga in northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 5:27–34.

    217.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Phylogeny of the genus Oryza as revealed by molecular approaches. Proceedings of 4th International Rice Genetics Symposium. Los Banos ( Philippines): IRRI . pp.89–105.

    218.Hong D Y, Pan K Y and Rao G Y, 2001. Cytogeography and taxonomy of the Paeonia obovata polyploid complex. Pl. Syst. Evol., 227: 123–136.

    219.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Identification of genome constitution of Oryza malampuzhaensis, O. minuta, and O. punctata by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:197–203.

    220.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Genomic differentiation and inter-genomic relationships among C, E and D genomes in Oryza officinalis complex (Poaceae) as revealed by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:204–211.

    221.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers. Theor. Appl.Genet., 102:440–449.

    222.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001. Clonality in wild rice ( Oryza rufipogon, Poaceae) and its implications for conservation management. Amer. J. Bot., 88(6): 1058–1064.

    223.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Genetic erosion in northern "">224.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of Oryza rufipogon Griff. J. Pl. Res., 114:107–113.

    225.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. High levels of genetic differentiation of Oryza officinalis Wall. et Watt. from China. Journ. Hered.,92(6):511–516.

    226.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Lin R S, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 2001. Low allozyme variation and conservation genetics of common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. from Yunnan, China. Euphytica, 124: 273–281.

    227.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Turland N J, 2001. Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Paeoniaceae), a new combination. Novon, 11: 315–318.

    228.Hong D Y, 2001. Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39:544–546.

    229.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 6:127–132. Science Press and MissouriBotanic Garden Press.

    230.Song B H, Wang X Q, Li F Z, Hong D Y, 2001. Further evidence for paraphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol., 228:107–115.

    231.Lu B R, Ge S, Sang T, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 2001. The current taxonomy and perplexity of the genus Oryza (Poaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39(4):373–388.

    232.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B–R, Hong D Y, 2001. Rapid and reliable identification of rice genomes by RFLP analysis of PCR–amplified Adhgenes. Genome, 44:1136–1142.

    233.钱韦,谢中稳,葛颂**,洪德元,2001。中国疣粒野生稻的分布、濒危现状和保护前景。植物学报, 43(12):1279–1287。

    234.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Sun L J, Hong D Y, Peng P H, 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Ecol., 11: 1057–1063.

    235.Ge S, Li A, Lu B R, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 2002. A phylogeny of the rice tribe Oryzeae based on matK sequence data. Amer. J. Bot., 89(2):1967–1972.

    236.Hong D Y, 2002. Two new species of Campanulaceae from South Africa. Taxon, 51 (4): 731–735.

    237.Wang Y Z, M. M?ller, Hong D Y, 2002. Patterns and significance of Floral Development in Whytockia (Gensneriaceae). Plant Biology. 4(2002):492-502.

    238.Hong D Y, Zhou S L, 2003. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Caucasus. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 143:135–150.

    239.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Mao J F, Ogura H, 2003. A comparative chromosomal study of three Rhodiola species (Crassulaceae) collected in central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China. Chromsome Science, 7:55–60.

    240.Liu Z L, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Wang X R, 2003. Chromosomal localization of 5S and 18S–5.8S–25S ribosomal DNA sites in five Asian pines using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 106: 198–204.

    241.Zhou Z Q, Pan K Y, *Hong D Y, 2003. Phylogenitic analyses of Paeonia section Moutan (Tree peonies, Paeoniaceae) based on morphological data. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 41(5): 436–446.

    242.Yang F S, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Unexpected high divergence in nrDNA ITS and extensive parallelism in floral morphology of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 240: 91–105.

    243.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 2003. Cytoplasmic composition in Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine. Mol. Ecol., 12: 2995–3001.

    244.Wei X X, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Marked intragenomic heterogeneity and geographical differentiation of nrDNA ITS in Larix potaninii (Pinaceae). J. Mol. Evol., 57(6): 623–635.

    245.Yang F S, *Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2003. A new species and a new specific synonym of Pedicularis (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Novon, 13: 363–367.

    246.周志钦,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2003。 牡丹组野生种间亲缘关系和栽培牡丹起源研究进展。 园艺学报, 30 (6): 751–757.

    247.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, 2004. Paeonia saueri (Paeoniaceae), a new species from the Balkans. Taxon, 53(1): 83—90.

    248.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2004. A taxonomical revision of the Paeonia anomala L. complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 91(1): 87—98.

    249.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Zhou Z Q, 2004. Circumscription of Paeonia suffruticosa and identification of cultivated tree peonies. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 275—283.

    250.林启冰,周志钦,赵宣,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2004。 基于Adh基因家族序列的牡丹组(Sect. Moutan DC.)种间关系。园艺学报, 31 (5): 627–632。

    251.Sang T, Pan J, Zhang D M, Ferguson D, Wang C, Pan K Y,Hong D Y, 2004. Origins of polyploids: an example from peonies (Paeonia) and a model for angiosperms. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 82: 561—571.

    252.Zhao X, Zhou Z Q, Li Q B, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 2004. Molecular evidence for the interspecific relationships in Paeonia sect. Moutan: PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) gene. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 236—244.

    253.Zhou S L, Wen J, Hong D Y, 2004. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Eleutherococcus senticosus and E. brachypus(Araliaceae) form China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 21 (2): 993–1007.

    254.Noguchi J, Hong D Y, 2004. Multiple origins of the Japanese Nocturnal Hemerocalls citrina var. vespertina (asparagales: hemerocallidaceae): evidence from Noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 165(1): 219–230.

    255.Noguchi J, Hong D Y, Grant W F, 2004. The historical evolutionary development of Hemerocallis middendorfii (Hemerocallidaceae) revealed by non-coding regions in chloroplast DNA. Plant Syst. Evol., 247: 1–22.

    256.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2005. Notes on taxonomy of Paeonia sect. Moutan DC. (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 43(2): 169–177.



    259.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, Koruklu S T , 2005. On the circumscription of Paeonia kesrouanensis, an east Mediterranean peony. Nord. J. Bot., 23(4): 395–400.

    260.*Hong D Y, Castroviejo S, 2005. Proposal to conserve the name Paeonia broteri against P. lusitanica (Paeoniaceae). Taxon, 54(1): 211–212.

    261.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2006. The identity of Paeonia corsica SIEBER ex TAUSCH (Paeoniaceae), with special reference to its relationship with P. mascula (L.) MILL. Feddes Repert., 117(1-2):65-84.

    262.Bao Y, Zhou H F, Hong D Y, Ge S, 2006. Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationships of Oryza Species with the B-and C-Genomes as Revealed by SSR Markers. J. Plant Biology, 49(5):339-347.

    263.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M & Koruklu S T, 2007. Paeonia daurica Andrews or P. mascula ssp. triternata (Pall. ex DC.) Stearn & P. H. Davis (Paeoniaceae)? Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 154: 1-11.

    264.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2007. Paeonia cathayana D. Y. Hong & K. Y. Pan, a new tree peony, with revision of P. suffruticosa ssp. yinpingmudan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 45(3): 285-288.

    265.李心正,张大明, 洪德元,2007。万寿竹属(百合科)一新种—金佛山万寿竹。植物分类学报,45(4):583-586。

    266.Tan D Y, Li X R, Hong D Y, 2007. Amana kuocangshanica (Liliaceae), a new species from south-east China. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.,154:435-442. with 9 figures.

    267.Hong D Y, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Koruklu S T & Tzanoudakis D, 2008. Relationships and taxonomy of Paeonia arietina G. Anderson complex (Paeoniaceae) and its allies. Taxon, 57(3): 922-932.

    268.Chen J Y, Zhang Z S & Hong D Y, 2009. A taxonomic revision of the Syringa pubescens complex (Oleaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 96: 237—250.

    269. Hong D Y, 2010, Nomenclatural notes on the Morinaceae and Valerianaceae in China. Novon 20(4): 418–419.

    270. Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomic notes on Chinese Campanulaceae. Novon 20(4): 420–425.

    271.Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomical notes on the genus Adenophora (Campanulaceae) in China. Novon 20(4): 426–428.

    272. Ge S & Hong D Y, 2010, Biosystematic studies on the Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). J. Syst. Evol. 48(6): 445-454.

    273. Jin X F, Ding B Y, Zhang Y J, and Hong D Y, 2010. A Taxonomic Revision of Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi sect. Brachycalyx(Ericaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 97(2):163–190.

    274. Hong D Y. 2010. Peonies of the World: Taxonomy and Phytogeography. 1-302. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    275. Hong D Y,2011. Paeonia rotundiloba (D.Y.Hong) D.Y.Hong: A new status in tree peonies(Paeoniaceae). J.Syst.Evol. 49(5): 464-467.

    276.Hong D Y, 2011, Campanulaceae, Morinaceae, Dipsacaceae, Valerianaceae, etc. in WU, Raven & Hong (eds.) : Flora of China.19:505-564. Science Press & Missouri Bot. Gard.

    277. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2011. Character analysis and taxonomic revision of the Microtoena insuavis Complex (Lamiaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 165(3): 315-327.

    278. Hong DY. 2011. Peonies of the World: Polymorphism and Diversity. 1-94. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    279.Hong,D Y,* & Pan,K Y,2012, Pollen morphology of the platycodonoid group (Campanulaceae s.str.) and its systematic implications, J. Integr. Plant Biol. 54(10):773-789

    280. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2012. Identity of Microtoena affinis (Lamiaceae). Syst. Bot. 37(4): 1031-1034.

    281.Hong D Y and Blackmore S, 2013. Plants of China, A Companion of the Flora of China . Beijing: Science Press.

    282. Zhou Z, Hong D Y, Niu Y, Li G D, Nie Z L, Wen J and Sun H* 2013. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of the Sino-Himalayan endemic genus Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) and implications for the evolution of its sexual system. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 68: 482-497

    283. Wang Q, Zhou S L and Hong D Y,* 2013. Molecular Phylogeny of the Platycodonoid Group (Campanulaceae s.str.) with Special Reference to Circumscription of Codonopsis. Taxon 62: 498-504

    284Guang-Fu,Chen,Wen-Guang Sun,De-Yuan Hong, Zhuo Zhiy,Yang Niu,Ze-Long Nie,Hang Sun, Jian-Wen Zhang,Zgu-Min Li 2014. Systematic of cytolotgy in Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) endemic to the Sino-Himalayan region. J.Syst. Evol. 52(3): 260-270

    285.Hong D Y, 2014, Six New Species and One New Subspecies of Codonopsis (Camlanulaceae) from the Pan-Himalaya. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 285-295

    286. Hong D Y,2014, The Identuty of Codonopsis Draco Pamp. (Campanulaceae) with Special Reference to Its Endangered State. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 301-302

    287.Qiang Wang,Xiao-Quan Wang,Hang Sun,Yan Yu,Xing-Jin He and De-Yuan Hong*(2014) Evoludtion of the platycodondoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 56(10):995-1008.

    288. Qiang Wang,Xin-Tang Ma and De-Yuan Hong* (2014) Phylogenetic analyses reveal three new genera of the Campanulaceae Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 52(5): 541-550

    289. Zhou Shiliang, Zou Xinhui, Zhou Zhiqin, Liu Jing, Xu Chao,Yu Jing, Wang Qiang, Zhang Daming, Wang Xiaoquan, Ge Song, Sang Tao, Pan Kaiyu, Hong Deyuan* (2014) Multiple species of wild tree peonies gave rise to the “king of flowers” Paeonia suffruticosa Andredws Proceedings of the Royal

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    290.Wang Q., Hong Deyuan* (2014) Codonopsis gongshanica (Campanulaceae), a new species from NW Yunan based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Phytyotaxa 188(3):145-152 IF5-year=1.391

    291.De-Yuan Hong* and Qiang Wang(2015) A new taxonomic system of the Campanulaceae s.s. Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 53(3): 203-209

















  2001年-2013年:《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)编委会中方副主席
  2011年-:《Flora of Pan-Himalaya》(泛喜马拉雅植物志)主编。
  主持国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目两项:“Flora of China”,“Flora of Pan-Himalaya”;
  1、 硕士生
  邱均专 1983-1986 中国科学院植物研究所
  2、 博士生
  张大明 1988-1991 中国科学院植物研究所
  葛   颂  1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  斐颜龙 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  饶广远 1990-1993 中国科学院植物研究所
  黄锦玲 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  周世良 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所
  王印政 1992-1995 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  华志明 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养 副导师
  覃海宁 1993-1996 中国科学院植物研究所
  周 毅  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  张寿洲  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
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  汪小全  1994-1997 中国科学院植物研究所
  陈世龙  1994-1997 中国科学院西北高原研究所 联合培养
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  丁开宇  1995-1998 中国科学院植物研究所 合作培养
  马小军  1995-1998 北京药植所 联合培养 副导师
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  袁军辉  2011-2014 中国科学院植物研究所 

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    二十世纪七十年代从事《中国高等植物图鉴》和《中国高等植物检索表》,以及《中国植物志》中玄参科、桔梗科和鸭跖草科的编研,并在以后断断续续进行这些科中一些重要类群的系统学研究。发现7个新属,两个新记录属,60个新种,建立了婆婆纳属、婆婆纳族、沙参属等类群的新系统,尤其是“蓝钟花属的系统学”(植物分类学报)和《婆婆纳族的分类和进化,兼论孢粉学》(英文专著,1984年哥本哈根出版)在国际上产生了较大影响。在这一专著研究中,指出了国际一些著名刊物的文章中关于孢粉形态描述的错误,并创立了一个恢复孢粉形状的新方法。修正了认为花粉由3沟向3孔沟演化这一传统观点,认为至少在玄参科和豆科中也存在3孔沟向3沟演化的趋势。还就玄参科的起源和散布问题向国际植物学权威提出挑战, 认为玄参科是一个古老的科,在泛古大陆分裂以前就已起源,南半球的类群(如Hebe属)并不都是从北半球迁移过去的。在《Flora of China》(中国植物志英文版)中主持完成了玄参科、鸭跖草科和芍药科。自80年代以来,一直从事芍药科(属)的研究。利用美国地理学会的基金,和助手跑遍了中国生长牡丹和芍药的几乎所有大山(包括西藏、横断山、天山、阿尔泰山),澄清了中国和亚洲芍药科的分类和生物学特性,推测了牡丹的祖先和起源证据。已在国内外著名刊物上发表芍药科的研究论文近20篇,1999年、2001年、2002年和助手远赴高加索地区、法国、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、希腊、土耳其及地中海岛屿,专门考察那里的芍药属植物,把研究范围伸向全世界。




    二十世纪九十年代以后,把主要精力集中于指导博士研究生,筹建植物分子系统学实验室,带领青年学者承担国家和中国科学院的重大项目。主持的国家自然科学基金委《八·五》重大项目“中国主要濒危植物保护生物学研究”(1993-1997)聚集了大学和科研院所一批优秀的中青年学者,第一次从种群生态学(population ecology)、生殖生物学和遗传多样性三方面(纵)分别研究10个代表物种,并以近缘广布种为对照(横),进而进行纵横结合,综合分析濒危物种的致濒机理,提出保护的科学策略。这一研究带动了我国居群遗传学(population genetics)、保护遗传学(conservation genetics))和生殖生态学的发展。2000年起作为科技部973项目首席科学家,主持“长江流域生物多样性变化、可持续利用与区域生态安全”项目。二十世纪九十年代中期发起稻属系统和进化研究。和葛颂研究员联合主持了中国科学院《九·五》重大项目《若干重要濒危植物的进化生物学研究》(1997-2000)。该研究组集中稻属的研究,同葛颂等合作利用多基因测序,勾划了稻属全部23个种的系统发育关系,揭示了一些多倍体的起源,特别是把稻属一个长期未定的基因组定为K。同张大明研究员和李常宝博士合作利用原位杂交技术(GISH)令人信服地查明了药稻(Oryza officinalis)复合体各基因组之间的关系和四倍体的起源。在居群水平上,同葛颂、高立志、谢中稳、张寿洲和钱韦等合作,揭示了中国三种野生稻的濒危状况、遗传多样性及其空间分布,以及影响遗传多样性的生态因子,为制订保护野生稻的策略提供了坚实的科学基础。许多文章发表于美国科学院院刊(PNAS)以及其它一些国际权威学术刊物上,使我国占据了稻属生物学研究的国际前沿。



    1. Hong D Y, 1974. Revisio Commelinacearum Sinicarum. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 12(4): 459–487.

    2. Hong D Y, 1974. Scrophulariaceae (excl. Pedicularis). In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Tom. 4. 1–61. Science Press, Beijing.

    3. Hong D Y, 1975. Commelinaceae. In Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica: Inconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorm. Tom. 5: 393–403. Science Press, Beijing.

    4. Hong D Y, Zhu Z H, ("Gong Tong"),1976. Studies on Chinese Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 38–50 +2 colour plates.

    5. Hong D Y,1976. Discussion on the basic principle of taxonomy. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 14(2): 92–100.

    6. Ying T S, Hong D Y, 1978. A preliminary study on the major plant communities and its vertical distribution of Guhsiang region in southeastern Tibet. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16(1):46–60.

    7. Hong D Y, 1978. The taxometric study of Veronica ciliata Fisch. group (Scrophulariaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 16 (3): 20–24.

    8. Hong D Y, 1979. Scrophulariaceae:Veronica and other 18 genera. In Tsoong P C and Yang H P (eds.): Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 67 (2). Science Press, Beijing.

    9. Hong D Y, 1980. Wulfeniopsis Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from the Himalayas. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(1): 50–52.

    10. Hong D Y, 1980. New taxa of Campanulaceae from Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(2): 245–247.

    11. Hong D Y 1980. Homocodon Hong---- a new genus of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 18(4): 473–475.

    12. Hong D Y, 1980. Kashmiria (Scrophulariaceae, Veroniceae), a new name for Falconeria Hook. fil from the western Himalayas. Bot. Notisser, 133: 565–567.

    13. Hong D Y, 1981. A new species of the genus Tricarpelema J. K. Morton form Xizang. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 19(4):529–531.

    14. Hong D Y, 1982. A new karyotype for Narcissus tazetta L. Hereditas, 97(1): 29–31.

    15. Hong D Y, 1982. Cytotype variation and polyploidy in Scilla autumnalis L. (Liliaaceae). Hereditas, 97: 227–235.

    16. Hong D Y, 1983. in Inst. Bot. (ed.): Scrophulariaceae & Campanulaceae in Inst. Claves Familiarum Generumque Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Science Press, Beijing.

    17. Hong D Y, Nilsson S, 1983. On the validity of the genus Cochlidiospermum Reichenb. (Scrophulariaceae) as supported by additional palynological evidence. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 21 (2): 143–150 + 2 plates.

    18. Hong D Y, 1983. On pollen shape in some groups of dicotyledons. Grana, 22:73–78.

    19. Hong D Y, 1983. Advances of plant taxonomy in China. Plants.

    20. Hong D Y, 1983. The distribution of Scrophulariaceae in the Holarctic with special reference to the floristic relationships between E. Asia and North America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 70: 701–712.

    21. Hong D Y, 1983. Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae, Stylidiaceae In Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tom. 73(2). Science Press, Beijing. pp. 203

    22. Hong D Y, 1984. Echinocodon Hong, a new genus of Campanulaceae and its systematic position. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (3): 181–184 + 2 plates.

    23. Hong D Y, 1984. Chromosomes of six fabaceous species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 22 (4):301–305 + 2 plates.

    24. Hong D Y, 1984. Taxonomy and evolution of the Veroniceae (Scrophulariaceae) with special reference to palynology. Opera Botanica, 75: 1–60. Copenhagen.

    25. Hong D Y, 1985. Veronica and 2 other genera. in Wu C Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol. 4. Science Press, Beijing

    26. Hong D Y, 1986. Biosystematic observation on 5 species of Consolida (Ranunculaceae). Acta Bot. Sin., 28 (1):1–10 + 2 plates.

    27. Hong D Y, 1986. A new genus of Scrophulariaceae from Xizang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 24(2):139–142.

    28. Hong D Y, 1986. Karyotype uniformity of Streptolirion volubile subsp. volubile (Commelinaceae) from China and Japan. Acta Phytotax Sin., 24 (4) 264–267 + 1 plate.

    29. Hong D Y, Lang K Y, Zhang Z X, 1986. A cytotaxonomical study on the genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) (1)----Karyotypes of 7 species from Sichuan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(5):353–361+ 2 plates.

    30. Hong D Y, 1986. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y (ed): Flora Xizangica. Vol.5. Science Press, Beijing

    31. Hsu P S, Hong D Y, 1987. Current situation in development of cytotaxonomy. Reference Material for Biology, 22:1–14. Science Press, Beijing.

    32. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1987. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.) (1): report on karyotypes of 10 species of 6 genera. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25(4): 245–253 + 2 plates.

    33. Hong D Y, 1987. Sinobacopa Hong----a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 25 (5): 393–295.

    34. Hong D Y, 1987. The modes of speciation connected with chromosomal structural reorganization in plants. Botanical Research, 3:23–34.

    35. Hong D Y, Zhang Z X, Zhu X Y, 1988. Studies on the genus Paeonia (1)----report of karyotypes of some wild species in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 26(1): 33–43 + 4 plates.

    36. Hong D Y (ed.), 1989. Plant Chromosome research. Proceedings of Sino-Japanese Symposium on Plant Chromosomes(1987). Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 437.

    37. Hong D Y, Ma L M, Chen T, 1989. A discussion on the karyotype and evolution of the tribe Convallarieae (s.l.)(Liliaceae). In Hong D Y. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. PP. 123–129.

    38. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytogeographical study of the Adenophora gmelinii complex. In Hong D Y (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research. Nishiki Print Co. Hiroshima. pp. 69–73.

    39. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1989. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.): (2) report on chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 8 speceis of 8 genera form Zheijiang Province. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 27 (6): 439–450 + 3 plates.

    40. Hong D Y, 1989. Studies on the genus Paeonia (2) ----the characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance. Chinese Journ. Bot., 1(2): 145–153 + 4 plates.

    41. Hong D Y, 1989. The karyotype and its variation of Hyacinthoides italica (L.) Rothm. (Hyacinthaceae). Cathaya, 1: 17–22.

    42. Sauer W, Hong D Y, 1989. Die vegetation des Ostmandschurischen Berglandes, Dargestellt an den Vegetationsverhaltnissen des Changbai Shan, Provinz Jilin, Nordost–China. Bios (Thessaloniki): 205–210.

    43. Hong D Y, Zhu X Y, 1990. Report on karyotypes of 6 species in 4 genera of the Polygonateae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 185–198 + 1 plate.

    44. Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1990. Pollen morphology and epidermal characters of leaves in Convallarieae (s.l.). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(3): 228–236 + 3 plates.

    45. Fu C X, Hong D Y, 1990. A chromosomal study on 7 species of Smilax L. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (3): 211–222 + 3 plates.

    46. Hong D Y, 1990. The crisis of biodiversity in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 5(2): 117–200.

    47. Hong D Y, Sauer W, 1990. Cytotaxonomical studies of the Liliaceae (s.l.) in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China. Cathaya, 2: 151–164.

    48. Hong D Y, Zhang S Z, 1990. Observations on chromosomes of some plants from western Sichuan. Cathaya, 2: 191–197.

    49. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1990. Notes on two species of the genus Adenophora from Liaoning Prov. and their chromosome numbers. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28(5): 397–420 + 1 plate.

    50. Hong D Y, 1990. Plant Cytotaxonomy. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). pp. 439.

    51. Qu L H, Yu X Q, Hong D Y, Lu Y Q, 1990. Ls–rRNA 5' nucleotide sequence of Rohdea japonica (Liliaceae) and its evolutionary significance. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 28 (6): 425– 429.

    52. Hong D Y, 1991. A biosystematic study on Ranunculus Subgen. Batrachium in S. Sweden. Nord. J. Bot., 11(1):41–59.

    53. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Systematics of the genus Cyananthus Royle ( Campanulaceae ). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 29(1): 25–51 + 1 plate.

    54. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1991. Homocodon pedicellata, a new species of Campanulaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(3):268–269.

    55. Hong D Y, 1991. The present status and future ten years prospect in studies of biological systematics and evolution. In Proceedings of Symposium on Future Ten Years Biology, Sponsored by Academia Sinica. Shanghai Science and Technology Press. pp. 72–81.

    56. Nakata M, Hong D Y, 1991. Fluorescent chromosome banding with chromomycin A3 and DAPI in Paeonia japonica and P. obovata.Chromosome Information Service, 50:19–21.

    57. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H., Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1991. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. I. Karyotype of Dendranthema vestitum. J. Jpn. Bot., 66: 199–204.

    58. Ma C, Lin Z P, Hong D Y, 1991. The status of rare and endangered plants in China and efforts for their protection. 247–256. In Adams R P and Adams J E (eds.): Conservaton of Plant Genes, DNA Banking and in vitro Biotechnology. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego.

    59. Hong D Y(editor of English edition), 1992. China Plant Red Data Book (Chinese rare and endangered plants). Vol.l. pp.741. Science Press. Beijing.

    60. Nakata M, Hong D Y, Qiu J Z, Uchiyama H, Tanaka R, Chen S C, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China.Ⅱ. A possible natural hybrid between Dendranthema indicum (2n=36) and D. vestitum (2n=54) from Hubei Province. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:92–100.

    61. Hong D Y, Zhang T J, 1992. A revision of Lobelia Subgen. Tupa (Campanulaceae) in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (2): 146–162 + 3 plates.

    62. Xiong Z T, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, 1992. A quantitatiye method measuring karyotype asymmetry and its application to evolutionary study. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30 (3): 279–288.

    63. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. The Campanulaceae. In Li X W and Zhu Z Y (eds.): Flora Sichuanica, Vol. 10: 515–586. Sichuan Nationality Press.

    64. Chen L J, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1992. Triodanis Raf., a new recorded genus of Campanulaceae in China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(5): 473–475.

    65. Hong D Y, Ma L M, 1992. Scrophulariaceae, Campanulaceae, Valerianaceae, Dipsacaceae, Commelinaceae. In Wang W T (ed.): Synopsis of Plants from the Hengduan Mountains. Science Press, Beijing. pp. 1759–1776; 1925–1934; 1950–1972; 2408–2411.

    66. Chen R Y, An Z P, Song W Q, Li X L, Zong W X, Taniguchi K, Hong D Y, 1992. The G-banded karyotype of Lilium davidii L. Cathaya, 4:9–20.

    67. Sauer W, Hong D Y, Gebert S, 1992. Contributions to flora and vegetation of Changbai Shan----Province Jilin, Northeast China. Ⅰ. Meadow and tall forb formations, excluding the alpine formations. Ann. Di Bot., 1:71–95.

    68. Hong D Y, 1992. Two new species of Valeriana (Valerianaceae) from Southwest China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 30(4): 371–374.

    69. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Song G, Hong D Y, Nakata M, 1992. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China. IV. karyomorphological characteristics of three species of Ajania. J. Jpn. Bot., 67:324–329.

    70. Qiu J Z, Hong D Y, 1993. A biosystematic study in Adenophora gmelinii complex (Campanulaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 31(1): 17–41.

    71. Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1993: Karyotype study of the genus Theropogon. Acta Bot. Yunnan., 15 (3):263–268.

    72. Hong D Y, 1993. Eastern Asian----North American disjunctions and their biological significance. Cathaya, 5:1–39.

    73. Yang Q E, Gu Z J, Wu Z Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyomorphological study in Aconitum subgen. Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Yunnan,China. Cathaya, 5:89–114.

    74. Wang X Q, Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1993. A study on pollen and seed coat in the tribe Cimicifugeae and some allied genera (Ranunculaceae). Cathaya, 5:131–149.

    75. Fu C X, Shen C D, Zhang C Q, Hong D Y, 1993. Variation and evolution of the karyotype of Smilax Ⅱ. Karyotype analysis of seven species from southern China. Cathaya, 5:151–166.

    76. Yu Z H, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 1993. A cytogeographic study on Scilla scilloides (Liliaceae) in four provinces of China. Cathaya, 5: 189–194.

    77. Hong D Y, Fu L K, 1993. The Chinese flora, its important position and crisis. Chinese Biodiversity, 1: 5–8.

    78. Hoshino T, Okamura K, Hong D Y, Dai L K, Nakata M, Tanaka R, 1993. Cytological studies of Chinese Cyperaceae (1): Chromosome counts of nine species collected from Jilin, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces. J. Jap. Bot. 68(2):65–69.

    79. Yang Q E, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1993. A karyotype study of 7 species of Aconitum L. from China. J. Plant Resour. & Environ., 2(2): 33–38.

    80. Nilsson S, Hong D Y, 1993. The taxonomical significance of Aragoa-pollen (Scrophulariaceae). Opera Bot., 121:275–278.

    81. Keng H, Hong D Y, Chen C J, 1993. Orders and Families of Seed Plants of China. World Scientific. Singapore. pp. 444.

    82. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1993. Karyotype, fluorescent banding and localization of rRNA genes in Scilla scilloides var. alboviridis. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-71–72:2437– 2442.

    83. Yang Q E, Wang Y Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotype study of Porandra Hong (Commelinaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(3):232–234 + 1 plate.

    84. Yang Q E, Luo Y B, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyotypic study of six species in the Ranunculaceae from Hunan, China. Guihaia, 14(1):27–36 + 3 plates.

    85. Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Li X Y, 1994. Paeonia in Xinjiang, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4): 349–355.

    86. Wang X Q, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1994. A karyomorphological study of nine species in four genera of Ranunculaceae. Cathaya, 6: 43–56.

    87. Hizume M, Kondo K, Yamasaki Y, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1994. Fluorescent chromosome bandings in two Chinese varieties of Larix gmelinii, Pinaceae. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2563–2570.

    88. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, LuoY B, Hong D Y, 1994. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia---two species in North Chinaregion. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2576–2582.

    89. Funamoto T, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, LuoY B, Nakata M, 1994. Cytological studies of three species of Chrysosplenium in North China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74:2583–2590.

    90. Kondo K, Tanaka R, Nakata M, Taniguchi K, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Chen R Y, Zhang D M, Qiu J Z, Liu D X, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1994. Long-term cooperative researches by Japanese and Chinese botanists in cytogenetics of Japan-China related Chrysanthemum sensu lato. pp.9–24. In Tanaka R. (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    91. Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Li J L, 1994. Meiosis and homeologous pairing in a spontaneous tetrahaploid (2n=28) of Trititrigia Mac Key. (in English). pp. 410–420. In Tanaka R (ed.): Plant Chromosome Research 1992. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

    92. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). I. Phenotypic plasticity. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 32(6):489–503.

    93. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅱ. Crossing experiment. Cathaya, 6:15–26.

    94. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1994. Genetic diversity and its detection. In Qian Y Q and Ma K P (eds.): Principles and Methodologies of Biodiversity Studies. Chinese Science and Technology Press, Beijing. pp. 123–140.

    95. Pei Y L, Hong D Y, 1995. Paeonia qiui---A new woody species of Paeonia from Hubei, China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(1):91–93.

    96. Hong D Y 1995. The geography of the Campanulaceae: on the distribution centres. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(6):521–536.

    97. Ge S, Hong D Y, 1995. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) Ⅲ. Genetic variation and taxonomic value of morphological characters. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(5):433–443.

    98. Hizume M, Kuzukawa Y, Kondo K, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, Tanaka R, 1995. Localization of rDNAs and fluorescent bandings in chromosomes of Larix potaninii var. macrocarpa collected in Sichuan,China. La Chromosomo Ⅱ-78:2689–2694.

    99. Pei Y L, Zou Y P, Yin Z, Wang X Q, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1995. Preliminary report of RAPD analysis in Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea and Paeonia rockii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 33(4):350–356.

    100.Hong D Y, 1995. Rescuing genetic resources of wild rices in China. Bull. Chinese Acad. Sci., 10(4):325–326.

    101.Fu C X, Shen C D, Huang A J, Hong D Y, 1995. Variation and evolution of the karyotype in Smilax and Heterosmilax (Smilacaceae) Ⅲ. Analysis of karyotypes and evolution from twelve taxa in Southern China. Cathaya, 7:105–124.

    102.Hong D Y, Ge S, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Chen S Z, 1995. Principles and approaches to studying the mechanisms of plant rarity and endangerment. In Qian Y Q & Zhen R D (eds): Advances in Studies on Biodiversity. China Science and Technology Publishers, Beijing, 125–133.

    103.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Hizume M, 1995. Karyomorphology of Sedum aizoon var. aizoon and Viola biflora in Qinghaiprovince, China. La Kromosomo II 79–80:2760–2766.

    104.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hong D Y, Hizume M, Yang Q E, Nakata M, 1995. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China V. A chromosome study of three species of Ajania, Cancrinia maximowiczii and Dendranthema lavandulifolium in the Chrysantheminae, the Anthemideae, the Compositae in Chinese Highlands. J. Jpn. Bot., 70:85–94.

    105.Hong D Y, 1996. Notes on some Scrophulariaceae from China. Novon, 6(1):22–24.

    106.Hong D Y, 1996. Additional notes on the Scrophulariaceae of China. Novon, 6(4): 372–374.

    107.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1996. Camparative studies on pollination biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(7): 530–540.

    108.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Pei Y L, 1996. The identity of Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti. Taxon, 45: 67–69.

    109.Hsu P S, Zhang Z Y, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 1996. Advances in chromosome studies and plant taxonomy. J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(2):177–187(I); J. Wuhan Bot. Res., 14(3):261–268(II).

    110.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Ge S, Hizume M, Shimada 1996. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia(Ⅱ)Three species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2845–2854.

    111.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Karyomorphological studies of three Chrysosplenium species in Qinghai Province,China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-82: 2855–2863.

    112.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Genetic analysis of isozyme loci in Adenophora potaninii complex. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(6):431–438 +2 plates.

    113.Zhou Y, Zou Y P, *Hong D Y, Zhou J M, Chen S Y, 1996. ITS 1 sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA in wild rices and cultivated rices of China and their phylogenetic implications. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(10):785–791.

    114.Huang J L, Zou Y P, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. PCR– RFLP analysis of rbcL gene in the tribe Convallarieae. Acta Phytotax.Sin., 34(5): 531–537 +1 plate.

    115.Hong D Y, Li Z Y, 1996. Biodiversity and its conservation and management in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region of China. In Pei S J (ed.): Banking on Biodiversity, Report on the Regional Consultation on Biodiversity Assessment in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. pp. 131–180.

    116.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1996. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Cathaya argyrophylla. Sicence in China, (series C) 26(5):436–441 (in Chinese) & 1997, (series C), 40(2):145–151 (in English).

    117.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1996. Endangered status of wild rices in China. Chinese Biodiversity, 4(3): 160–166.

    118.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, Shimada T, 1996. Cytological studies of Saxifraga in China (1): Karyomorphology of five species in Qinghai Province. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2873–2884.

    119.Wang Y Z, Pan K Y, Li Z Y, Hong D Y, 1996. An anamorphosis of gynoecium in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae), with phylogenetic implication. Acta Bot. Yunnan, 18(4): 431–432.

    120.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1996. Taxonomic studies on the nocturnal flowering group of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China.Acta Phytotax. Sin., 34(6): 586–591.

    121.Wang X Q, Zou Y P, Zhang D M, Zhang Z X, Hong D Y, 1996. Problems in the use of RAPD to the study of genetic diversity and systematics. Acta Bot. Sin., 38(12): 954–962.

    122.Idei S, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Yang Q E, 1996. Karyotype of Scorzonera austrica Willd. Of China by using fluorescence in situhybridization. La Kromosomo II, 83–84:2893–2900.

    123.Huang J L, Hong D Y, 1996. Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae (Liliaceae, s.l.). Acta Phytotax Sin., 35 (2): 117–124 +5 plates.

    124.Huang J L, Ma L M, Hong D Y, 1997. Cytotaxonomic studies on the genus Aspidistra II. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(1):14–23 +5 plates.

    125.Wang X Q, Han Y, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1997. Phylogeny of the Pinaceae evidenced by molecular biology. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(2): 97–106.

    126.Zhang S Z, Pan K Y, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1997. Observations on abnormalities in meiosis of pollen mother cells of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea. Acta Bot. Sin., 39(5): 397–404.

    127.Hong D Y, 1997. Notes on Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz. Kew Bull., 52(4): 957–963.

    128.Hong D Y, 1997. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Xizang (Tibet). Novon, 7: 156–161.

    129.Hong D Y, 1997. Pollia macrobracteata Hong, a new species of Commelinaceae from China. Novon, 7(3): 252.

    130.Ge S, Wang H Q, Zhang C M, Hong D Y, 1997. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in BamianMountain. Acta. Bot. Sin., 39(3): 266–271.

    131.Ge S, B S Schaal, Hong D Y, 1997. A revaluation of the status of Adenophora lobophylla based on ITS sequence, with reference to the utility of ITS sequence in Adenophora. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 385–395.

    132.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. A cytotaxonomic study on Chinese endemic species of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(3): 215–218.

    133.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1997. Numerical taxonomic studies of Hemerocallis (Liliaceae) from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(4): 311–316.

    134.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1997. Progress in molecular systematics of plants in recent five years. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 35(5): 465–480.

    135.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1997. Pollen and nutlet morphology in Mosla (Labiatae) and its systematic value. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 45(4): 343–350.

    136.Hong D Y, 1997. Validation of Paulownia catalpifolia (Scrophulariaceae). Novon, 7: 366.

    137.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphological studies in Parnassia yunnanensis var. longistipitata in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1:21–24.

    138.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1997. Karyomorphology of Chrysosplenium griffithii collected in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 1: 61–64.

    139.Wang Y Z, Gu Z J, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotypes of Whytockia (Gesneriaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 28–35.

    140.Hong D Y, 1998. Cytology of Bryophytes. In Wu P C (ed.): Biology of Bryophytes. Science Press, Beijing. pp.61–101.

    141.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, 1998. Karyotype evidence for distinguishing between Hemerocallis esculenta and H. middendorfii. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1):53–57.

    142.Chen S L, He T N, Hong D Y, 1998. On systematic position of Pterygocalyx (Gentianaceae). Acat Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 58–68.

    143.Zhang S Z, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1998. In situ hybridization and its application in studies on Oryza. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 87–96.

    144.Gao L Z, Zhou Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Liang Y M, Kin D H, Chen C B, Wu M S, Huang D A, 1998. Current status of the genetic resources of Oryza rufipogon Griff. and its conservation strategies in Guangxi. Scientia Agricultura Sinica., 31(1):32–39.

    145.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1998. The restoration of the genus Cyclocodon (Campanulaceae) and its evidence from pollen and seed–coat. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2): 106–110 +2 plates.

    146.Ding K Y, Ge S, Hong D Y, Yu Z H, 1998. Cytotype variation and cytogeography of Scilla sinensis (Loureiro) Merrill (Hyacinthaceae) in China. Hereditas, 129:151–160.

    147.Ge S, Hong D Y, Wang H Q, Liu Z Y, Zhang C M, 1998. Population genetic structure and conservation of an endangered conifer, Cathaya argyrophylla (Pinaceae). Int. J. Plant Sci., 159(2): 351–357.

    148.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Yu H, 1998. Taxonomy of Paeonia delavayi complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 85:554–564.

    149.Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on conservation biology of endangered plant species in China. In Chiu S T, Peng C I (eds): Proceedings of the Cross–Strait Symposium on Floristic Biodiversity and Conservation. National Museum of Natural Science, Taichuang, 287–300.

    150.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast gene trnK in the Pinaceae, with special reference to the systematic position of Cathaya. Israel J. Pl. Sci., 46:265–271.

    151.Wang X Q, Han Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A molecular systematic study of Cathaya, a relic genus of the Pinaceae in China. Pl. Syst. Evol., 213: 165-172.

    152.Xiong Z T, Chen S C, Hong D Y, Luo Y B, 1998. Pollen morphology and its evolutionary significance in Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 18(2): 183–190.

    153.Kondo K, Tanaka R, Hizume M, Kokubugata G, Hong D Y, Ge S, Yang Q E, 1998. Cytogenetic studies on wild Chrysanthemum sensu lato in China VI. Karyomorphological characters of five species of Ajania and each one species of Brachanthemum, Dendranthema, Elachanthemum, Phaeostigma and Tanacetum in highlands of Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces. J. Jpn. Bot., 73: 128–136.

    154.Hizume M, Kondo K, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 1998. Fluorescence chromosome bandig in a Chinese larch, Larix chinensis Beissn. Chromosome Science, 2: 95–98.

    155.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Shimada T, 1998. A karyomorphological comparison of four Saxifraga species collected in the western part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome science, 2: 103–109.

    156.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of three Parnassia species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 2: 111–115.

    157.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1998. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the Qin LingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromsome Science, 2:145–150.

    158.Luo Y B, Pei Y L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A study on pollination biology of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(2):134–144.

    159.Xie Z W, Zhou Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Phylogenetic relationship of genus Oryza as revealed by RAPD analysis. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 23(3):6–8.

    160.Feng Y X, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. A revaluation of the systematic position of the Cercidiphyllaceae and Daphniphyllaceae based on rbcL gene sequence analysis, with reference to the relationship in the “Lower” Hamamelidae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 411–422.

    161.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1998. Biosystematic studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae) IV. Allozyme variation and differentiation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):481–489.

    162.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Xie Z W, 1998. Yinpingmudan, the wild relative of the king of flowers, Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):515–520 +1 colour plate.

    163.Hong D Y, 1998. Paeonia rockii and its one new subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(6):538–543.

    164.Zhou S L, Zhang F, Wang Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. Genetic diversity of Mosla hangzhouensis and M. chinensis (Labiatae). Acta Genet. Sin., 25(2):173–180.

    165.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1998. Pollination Intensity– and pollination efficiency–dependent nutlet set of Mosla hangchouensis(Labiatae). Acta Bot. Yunnan, 20(4):445–452.

    166.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Zhou Y P, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1998. Studies on Ginseng (Panax ginseng) RAPD fingerprinting with capillary PCR. Chinese Medicine and Herbs, 29(3):191–194.

    167.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 1998. PCR-RFLP Analysis on phylogeny of Allium. Acta. Bot. Sin., 40(11):1083–1086.

    168.Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 1998. Advances in studies on molecular systematics. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences. 1:16–30. (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing.

    169.Wang X Q, Deng Z R, Hong D Y, 1998. The systematic position of Beesia: Evidence from ITS (nrDNA) sequence analysis. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(5): 403–410.

    170.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, 1998. The newest advances and development trends of pollination biology. In Li C S (ed.): Advances in Plant Sciences vol. 1: 48–57. Science Press, Beijing.

    171.Zhang S Z, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, 1998. Genomic in situ hybridization and its application to studies on evolutionary biology of plants. In Li C S (ed.): Advancs in Plant Sciences. Vol. 1:31–47. Science Press, Beijing.

    172.Hong D Y, Yang H B, Jin C L, Holmgren N H, 1998. Scrophulariaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven PH (ed.): Flora of China. 18: 1–212. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.

    173.Ding K Y, Ge S, Yu Z H, Hong D Y, 1999. Allozyme variation in the diploid (A genome) populations of Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce (Hyacinthaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 218: 23–31.

    174.Feng Y X, Chen Z D, Wang X Q, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. A taxonomic revision of the Loropetalum–Tetrathyrium complex and its systematic position in the Hamamelidoideae, based on morphology and ITS sequence data. Taxon, 48: 689–700.

    175.Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Zhang W H, Zu Y G, 1999. Comparisons of genetic diversity in the endangered Adenophora lobophyllaand its widespread congener, A. potaninii. Conservation Biology, 13(3): 509–513.

    176.Ge S, Oliveira G C X, Schaal B A, Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. RAPD variation within and between natural populations of the wild rice Oryza rufipogon from China and Brazil. Heredity, 82: 638–644.

    177.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 1999. Phylogeny of rice genomes with emphasis on origins of allotetraploid species. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA., 96(25): 14400–14405.

    178.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 19(3): 289–299.

    179.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999. Pollination biology of Paeonia jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (Paeoniaceae), with special emphasis on pollen and stigma biology. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 130: 43–52.

    180.Hong D Y, Pan KY, 1999. Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 37(4):351–368.

    181.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Studies of morphological and allozyme variation of the endangered Adenophora lobophylla and its widespread congener A. potaninii. Acta Genet. Sin., 26(4):410–417.

    182.Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. A new species of Chinese Adenophora (Campanulaceae). Novon, 9: 46.

    183.Xie Z W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 1999. Preparation of DNA from silica gel dried mini–amount of leaves of Oryza rufipogon for RAPD study and total DNA bank construction. Acta Bot. Sin., 41(8):807–812.

    184.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Sun S S, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 1999. A study on RAPD fingerprintings of wild mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng). Acta Pharm. Sin., 34: 312–316.

    185.El–Twab M H Abd, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Isolation of a particular chromosome of Ajania remotipinna in a chromosome complement of an artificial F1 hybrid of Dendranthema lavandulifolia ×Ajania remotipinna by use of genomic in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 21–28.

    186.Hizume M, Shibata F, Kondo K, Hoshi Y, Kondo T, Ge S, Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 1999. Identification of chromosomes in two Chinese spruce species by multicolor fluorescense in situ hybridization. Chromosome Science, 3: 37–41.

    187.Itouga M, Yamaguchi T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Funamoto T, Deguchi H, 1999. Genetic differentiation within sibling species of Conocephalum conicum (Marchantiales: Hepaticae) in East Asia. Bryol. Res., 7(8): 249–256.

    188.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A cytotaxonomy of six species of Chrysosplenium collected in the QinLing Mountains in Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 87–91.

    189.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 1999. A chromosome study of five Saxifraga species collected in the QinlingMountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 145–150.

    190.Oginuma K, Chen Z D, Kondo K, Hong D Y, 1999. Karyomorphology of three species of Spiraea (Rosaceae) in China. Chromosome Science, 3: 83–86.

    191.Ogura H, Kondo K, Morimoto K, Aizawa T, Chen Z D, Hong D Y, 1999. A karyological study of Allium grayi Regel and A. chinense G. Don in Sichuan Province, China. Chromosome Science, 3: 119–122.

    192.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Zhang J W, Luo Q Y, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 1999. A study on population genetic structure of Oryza meyeriana(Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill. from Yunnan and its in situ conservation significance. Science in China (Series C), 42(1): 102–108 (in English); 29(3): 297–302 (in Chinese).

    193.Zhou S L, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 1999. Nutlet dispersal of Mosla hangchouensis Matsuda (Labiatae). Guihaia, 19:176–179.

    194.Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999. Advances in the studies on the genus Oryza in China. Scientia Agricultura sinica., 32(6):40–46.

    195.Hong D Y, 2000. A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(4):381–385.

    196.Hong D Y, 2000. Biosystematics, its meaning and problem of Chinese translation. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 38(5):490–496.

    197.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xu Z X, Hong D Y, 2000. RAPD variation within and among populations of Ginseng cultivars. Acta Bot. Sin.,42(6):587–590.

    198.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Assessment of genetic variation of Oryza granulata detected by RAPDs and ISSRs. Acta Bot. Sin., 42(7):741–750.

    199.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Detection of differentiation among BB, CC and EE genomes in the genus Oryza by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Acta. Bot. Sin., 42(9): 988–990.

    200.Hong D Y, 2000. Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 24: Science Press & Missouri Botanic GardenPress.

    201.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme variation and population genetic structure of commom wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. in China. Theor. Appl. Genet., 101(3): 494– 502.

    202.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Low level of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice, Oryza granulata Nees et Arn. ex Watt., from China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 161(4): 691–697.

    203.He T H, Rao G Y, You R L, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Spatial autocorrelation of genetic variation in three stands of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae, s. l.). Ann. Bot., 86: 113–121.

    204.Yu H, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Allozyme diversity and population genetic structure of Pinus densata Master in northwestern Yunnan, China. Bioch. Genet., 38(5/6): 138–146.

    205.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. Identification of genomic constitution of three tetraploid Oryza species through two–probe genomic in situ hybridzation. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 19–22.

    206.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 2000. Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis. Science in China (series C). 43(3):454–463.

    207.Xie Z W, Ge S, Wang K Q, Hong D Y, Lu B R, 2000. Evaluation of in situ conservation of Oryza rufipogon populations using RAPD markers. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(2): 17–19.

    208.Wang L Z, Hong D Y, 2000. Campanula gansuensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from China, and its systematic position. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 41: 159–163.

    209.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. Comparison of ITS sequences between wild Ginseng DNA and Garden Ginseng DNA. China J. Chinese Mater. Med., 25(4): 206–209.

    210.Ma X J, Wang X Q, Xiao P G, Hong D Y, 2000. A review on germplasm studies about Chinese gingseng. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal., 25(5):289–292.

    211.Gao L, Ge S, Hong D–Y, 2000. A preliminary study on ecological differentiation within the common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. Acta Agron. Sin., 26(2): 210–216.

    212.Yang Q E, Hong D Y, 2000. Plant cytotaxonomy. In Zhou C L (ed.): Modern Biology. China Zhigong Publishers, Beijing,629–632.

    213.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2000. The relationships among the CC, DD, and EE genome in Oryza officinalis complex detected by two–probe genomic in situ hybridization. Intern. Rice Res. Notes, 25(3):18–20.

    214.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Deguchi H, 2000. A cytological observation of Rodgersia aesculifolia Batalin (Saxifragaceae) collected in Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces, China. Chromsome Science, 4:65–68.

    215.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2000. A comparative chromosomal study of five species of Chrysospleniumcollected in the northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 4:69–74.

    216.Funamoto T, Suzuki R, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Zhou S L, Ogura H, 2001. Comparative karyomorphology of five species of Saxifraga in northern part of Sichuan Province, China. Chromsome Science, 5:27–34.

    217.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Phylogeny of the genus Oryza as revealed by molecular approaches. Proceedings of 4th International Rice Genetics Symposium. Los Banos ( Philippines): IRRI . pp.89–105.

    218.Hong D Y, Pan K Y and Rao G Y, 2001. Cytogeography and taxonomy of the Paeonia obovata polyploid complex. Pl. Syst. Evol., 227: 123–136.

    219.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Identification of genome constitution of Oryza malampuzhaensis, O. minuta, and O. punctata by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:197–203.

    220.Li C B, Zhang D M, Ge S, Lu B R, Hong D Y, 2001. Genomic differentiation and inter-genomic relationships among C, E and D genomes in Oryza officinalis complex (Poaceae) as revealed by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 103:204–211.

    221.Qian W, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers. Theor. Appl.Genet., 102:440–449.

    222.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001. Clonality in wild rice ( Oryza rufipogon, Poaceae) and its implications for conservation management. Amer. J. Bot., 88(6): 1058–1064.

    223.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000. Genetic erosion in northern "">224.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of Oryza rufipogon Griff. J. Pl. Res., 114:107–113.

    225.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001. High levels of genetic differentiation of Oryza officinalis Wall. et Watt. from China. Journ. Hered.,92(6):511–516.

    226.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, Lin R S, Tao G D, Xu Z F, 2001. Low allozyme variation and conservation genetics of common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. from Yunnan, China. Euphytica, 124: 273–281.

    227.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Turland N J, 2001. Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Paeoniaceae), a new combination. Novon, 11: 315–318.

    228.Hong D Y, 2001. Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39:544–546.

    229.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 6:127–132. Science Press and MissouriBotanic Garden Press.

    230.Song B H, Wang X Q, Li F Z, Hong D Y, 2001. Further evidence for paraphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol., 228:107–115.

    231.Lu B R, Ge S, Sang T, Chen J K, Hong D Y, 2001. The current taxonomy and perplexity of the genus Oryza (Poaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 39(4):373–388.

    232.Ge S, Sang T, Lu B–R, Hong D Y, 2001. Rapid and reliable identification of rice genomes by RFLP analysis of PCR–amplified Adhgenes. Genome, 44:1136–1142.

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    234.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Sun L J, Hong D Y, Peng P H, 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Ecol., 11: 1057–1063.

    235.Ge S, Li A, Lu B R, Zhang S Z, Hong D Y, 2002. A phylogeny of the rice tribe Oryzeae based on matK sequence data. Amer. J. Bot., 89(2):1967–1972.

    236.Hong D Y, 2002. Two new species of Campanulaceae from South Africa. Taxon, 51 (4): 731–735.

    237.Wang Y Z, M. M?ller, Hong D Y, 2002. Patterns and significance of Floral Development in Whytockia (Gensneriaceae). Plant Biology. 4(2002):492-502.

    238.Hong D Y, Zhou S L, 2003. Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) in Caucasus. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 143:135–150.

    239.Funamoto T, Kondo K, Hong D Y, Ge S, Mao J F, Ogura H, 2003. A comparative chromosomal study of three Rhodiola species (Crassulaceae) collected in central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China. Chromsome Science, 7:55–60.

    240.Liu Z L, Zhang D M, Hong D Y, Wang X R, 2003. Chromosomal localization of 5S and 18S–5.8S–25S ribosomal DNA sites in five Asian pines using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Theor. Appl. Genet., 106: 198–204.

    241.Zhou Z Q, Pan K Y, *Hong D Y, 2003. Phylogenitic analyses of Paeonia section Moutan (Tree peonies, Paeoniaceae) based on morphological data. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 41(5): 436–446.

    242.Yang F S, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Unexpected high divergence in nrDNA ITS and extensive parallelism in floral morphology of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 240: 91–105.

    243.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Ding K Y, Hong D Y, 2003. Cytoplasmic composition in Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine. Mol. Ecol., 12: 2995–3001.

    244.Wei X X, Wang X Q, Hong D Y, 2003. Marked intragenomic heterogeneity and geographical differentiation of nrDNA ITS in Larix potaninii (Pinaceae). J. Mol. Evol., 57(6): 623–635.

    245.Yang F S, *Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2003. A new species and a new specific synonym of Pedicularis (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Novon, 13: 363–367.

    246.周志钦,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2003。 牡丹组野生种间亲缘关系和栽培牡丹起源研究进展。 园艺学报, 30 (6): 751–757.

    247.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, 2004. Paeonia saueri (Paeoniaceae), a new species from the Balkans. Taxon, 53(1): 83—90.

    248.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2004. A taxonomical revision of the Paeonia anomala L. complex. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 91(1): 87—98.

    249.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, Zhou Z Q, 2004. Circumscription of Paeonia suffruticosa and identification of cultivated tree peonies. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 275—283.

    250.林启冰,周志钦,赵宣,潘开玉,*洪德元, 2004。 基于Adh基因家族序列的牡丹组(Sect. Moutan DC.)种间关系。园艺学报, 31 (5): 627–632。

    251.Sang T, Pan J, Zhang D M, Ferguson D, Wang C, Pan K Y,Hong D Y, 2004. Origins of polyploids: an example from peonies (Paeonia) and a model for angiosperms. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 82: 561—571.

    252.Zhao X, Zhou Z Q, Li Q B, Pan K Y, Hong D Y, 2004. Molecular evidence for the interspecific relationships in Paeonia sect. Moutan: PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) gene. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 42(3): 236—244.

    253.Zhou S L, Wen J, Hong D Y, 2004. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Eleutherococcus senticosus and E. brachypus(Araliaceae) form China. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 21 (2): 993–1007.

    254.Noguchi J, Hong D Y, 2004. Multiple origins of the Japanese Nocturnal Hemerocalls citrina var. vespertina (asparagales: hemerocallidaceae): evidence from Noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology. Intern. J. Pl. Sci., 165(1): 219–230.

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    256.*Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2005. Notes on taxonomy of Paeonia sect. Moutan DC. (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin., 43(2): 169–177.



    259.*Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M, Koruklu S T , 2005. On the circumscription of Paeonia kesrouanensis, an east Mediterranean peony. Nord. J. Bot., 23(4): 395–400.

    260.*Hong D Y, Castroviejo S, 2005. Proposal to conserve the name Paeonia broteri against P. lusitanica (Paeoniaceae). Taxon, 54(1): 211–212.

    261.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, 2006. The identity of Paeonia corsica SIEBER ex TAUSCH (Paeoniaceae), with special reference to its relationship with P. mascula (L.) MILL. Feddes Repert., 117(1-2):65-84.

    262.Bao Y, Zhou H F, Hong D Y, Ge S, 2006. Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Relationships of Oryza Species with the B-and C-Genomes as Revealed by SSR Markers. J. Plant Biology, 49(5):339-347.

    263.Hong D Y, Wang X Q, Zhang D M & Koruklu S T, 2007. Paeonia daurica Andrews or P. mascula ssp. triternata (Pall. ex DC.) Stearn & P. H. Davis (Paeoniaceae)? Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 154: 1-11.

    264.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2007. Paeonia cathayana D. Y. Hong & K. Y. Pan, a new tree peony, with revision of P. suffruticosa ssp. yinpingmudan. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 45(3): 285-288.

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    266.Tan D Y, Li X R, Hong D Y, 2007. Amana kuocangshanica (Liliaceae), a new species from south-east China. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.,154:435-442. with 9 figures.

    267.Hong D Y, Zhang D M, Wang X Q, Koruklu S T & Tzanoudakis D, 2008. Relationships and taxonomy of Paeonia arietina G. Anderson complex (Paeoniaceae) and its allies. Taxon, 57(3): 922-932.

    268.Chen J Y, Zhang Z S & Hong D Y, 2009. A taxonomic revision of the Syringa pubescens complex (Oleaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 96: 237—250.

    269. Hong D Y, 2010, Nomenclatural notes on the Morinaceae and Valerianaceae in China. Novon 20(4): 418–419.

    270. Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomic notes on Chinese Campanulaceae. Novon 20(4): 420–425.

    271.Hong D Y, 2010, Taxonomical notes on the genus Adenophora (Campanulaceae) in China. Novon 20(4): 426–428.

    272. Ge S & Hong D Y, 2010, Biosystematic studies on the Adenophora potaninii Korsh. complex (Campanulaceae). J. Syst. Evol. 48(6): 445-454.

    273. Jin X F, Ding B Y, Zhang Y J, and Hong D Y, 2010. A Taxonomic Revision of Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi sect. Brachycalyx(Ericaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 97(2):163–190.

    274. Hong D Y. 2010. Peonies of the World: Taxonomy and Phytogeography. 1-302. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    275. Hong D Y,2011. Paeonia rotundiloba (D.Y.Hong) D.Y.Hong: A new status in tree peonies(Paeoniaceae). J.Syst.Evol. 49(5): 464-467.

    276.Hong D Y, 2011, Campanulaceae, Morinaceae, Dipsacaceae, Valerianaceae, etc. in WU, Raven & Hong (eds.) : Flora of China.19:505-564. Science Press & Missouri Bot. Gard.

    277. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2011. Character analysis and taxonomic revision of the Microtoena insuavis Complex (Lamiaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 165(3): 315-327.

    278. Hong DY. 2011. Peonies of the World: Polymorphism and Diversity. 1-94. Kew Publishing & Missouri Botanical Garden.

    279.Hong,D Y,* & Pan,K Y,2012, Pollen morphology of the platycodonoid group (Campanulaceae s.str.) and its systematic implications, J. Integr. Plant Biol. 54(10):773-789

    280. Wang Q & Hong DY. 2012. Identity of Microtoena affinis (Lamiaceae). Syst. Bot. 37(4): 1031-1034.

    281.Hong D Y and Blackmore S, 2013. Plants of China, A Companion of the Flora of China . Beijing: Science Press.

    282. Zhou Z, Hong D Y, Niu Y, Li G D, Nie Z L, Wen J and Sun H* 2013. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of the Sino-Himalayan endemic genus Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) and implications for the evolution of its sexual system. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 68: 482-497

    283. Wang Q, Zhou S L and Hong D Y,* 2013. Molecular Phylogeny of the Platycodonoid Group (Campanulaceae s.str.) with Special Reference to Circumscription of Codonopsis. Taxon 62: 498-504

    284Guang-Fu,Chen,Wen-Guang Sun,De-Yuan Hong, Zhuo Zhiy,Yang Niu,Ze-Long Nie,Hang Sun, Jian-Wen Zhang,Zgu-Min Li 2014. Systematic of cytolotgy in Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) endemic to the Sino-Himalayan region. J.Syst. Evol. 52(3): 260-270

    285.Hong D Y, 2014, Six New Species and One New Subspecies of Codonopsis (Camlanulaceae) from the Pan-Himalaya. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 285-295

    286. Hong D Y,2014, The Identuty of Codonopsis Draco Pamp. (Campanulaceae) with Special Reference to Its Endangered State. Plant Diversity and Resources 36(3): 301-302

    287.Qiang Wang,Xiao-Quan Wang,Hang Sun,Yan Yu,Xing-Jin He and De-Yuan Hong*(2014) Evoludtion of the platycodondoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 56(10):995-1008.

    288. Qiang Wang,Xin-Tang Ma and De-Yuan Hong* (2014) Phylogenetic analyses reveal three new genera of the Campanulaceae Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 52(5): 541-550

    289. Zhou Shiliang, Zou Xinhui, Zhou Zhiqin, Liu Jing, Xu Chao,Yu Jing, Wang Qiang, Zhang Daming, Wang Xiaoquan, Ge Song, Sang Tao, Pan Kaiyu, Hong Deyuan* (2014) Multiple species of wild tree peonies gave rise to the “king of flowers” Paeonia suffruticosa Andredws Proceedings of the Royal

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    290.Wang Q., Hong Deyuan* (2014) Codonopsis gongshanica (Campanulaceae), a new species from NW Yunan based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Phytyotaxa 188(3):145-152 IF5-year=1.391

    291.De-Yuan Hong* and Qiang Wang(2015) A new taxonomic system of the Campanulaceae s.s. Journal of Systematics an d Evolution 53(3): 203-209




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