殷晓沨,副研究员。主要从事植物叶性器官进化与发育的研究工作,发现了石松类植物罕见的叶序模式及其成因,建立了能够快速量化细胞分裂方向的EdU示踪法,并揭示了单面叶植物叶片扁平化的细胞机制。目前重点关注花器官排列方式建立和转变的分子机制。主持了日本学术振兴会项目“Mechanisms of flattening growth regulation in unifacial leaves by PRS genes”。作为第一和/或通讯作者在New Phytologist、American Journal of Botany、Journal of Plant Research、Botany(Canadian Journal of Botany)等刊物发表论文10篇。担任Botany(Canadian Journal of Botany)副主编、Journal of Plant Research客座编辑、编委。
2006年获得中国农业大学学士学位,2009年获得加拿大爱德华王子岛大学(University of Prince Edward Island)硕士学位,2012年获得美国迈阿密大学(Miami University)硕士学位,2016年获得日本东京大学(The University of Tokyo)博士学位。2016-2021年在东京大学开展博士后研究,并获日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)资助。2022年到中国科学院植物研究所工作,任副研究员。
1.Yi Yuan#, Xuan Li#, Xu Yao#, Xuehao Fu, Jie Cheng, Hongyan Shan, Xiaofeng Yin*, and Hongzhi Kong*. In press. Mechanisms Underlying the Formation of Complex Color Patterns on Nigella orientalis (Ranunculaceae) Petals. New Phytologist.
2.Xiaofeng Yin* and Hirokazu Tsukaya. 2022. Fibonacci Spirals May Not Need the Golden Angle. Quantitative Plant Biology. 3: e13, 1–5.
3.Xuehao Fu, Hongyan Shan, Xu Yao, Jie Cheng, Yongchao Jiang, Xiaofeng Yin, and Hongzhi Kong*. 2022. Petal Development and Elaboration. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73: 3308–3318. (Invited review)
4.Xiaofeng Yin* and Miho Kitazawa*. 2021. Beyond Fibonacci Patterns and the Golden Angle: Phyllotactic Variations and their Cellular Origin. Journal of Plant Research. 134: 369–371.
5.Xiaofeng Yin*. 2021. Phyllotaxis: from Classical Knowledge to Molecular Genetics. Journal of Plant Research. 134: 373–401. (Invited review; co-journal cover)
6.Xiaofeng Yin and Hirokazu Tsukaya*. 2021. A Pulse-chase EdU Method to Detect Cell Division Orientation in Arabidopsis and Juncus prismatocarpus Leaf Primordia. Bio-protocol. 11: e3882.
7.Xiaofeng Yin and Hirokazu Tsukaya*. 2019. Morphogenesis of Flattened Unifacial Leaves in Juncus prismatocarpus (Juncaceae). New Phytologist. 222: 1101–1111.
8.Xiaofeng Yin* and Roger Meicenheimer. 2017. Anisotomous Dichotomy Results from an Unequal Bifurcation of the Original Shoot Apical Meristem in Diphasiastrum digitatum (Lycopodiaceae). American Journal of Botany. 104: 782–786.
9.Xiaofeng Yin* and Roger Meicenheimer. 2017. The Ontogeny, Phyllotactic Diversity, and Discontinuous Transitions of Diphasiastrum digitatum (Lycopodiaceae). American Journal of Botany. 104: 8–23. (Featured article)
10.Xiaofeng Yin and Hirokazu Tsukaya*. 2016. A Pulse-chase Strategy for EdU Labelling Assay Is Able to Rapidly Quantify Cell Division Orientation. New Phytologist. 211: 1462–1469.
11.Xiaofeng Yin, Christian Lacroix*, and Denis Barabé. 2011. Phyllotactic Transitions in Seedlings: the Case of Thuja occidentalis L. Botany. 89: 387–396.
12.Denis Barabé, Laura Bourque, Xiaofeng Yin, and Christian Lacroix*. 2010. Phyllotaxis of the Palm Euterpe oleraceae Mart. at the Level of the Shoot Apical Meristem. Botany. 88: 528–536.