Holocene vegetation and climate history at Haligu on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,Yunnan, SW China



Holocene vegetation and climate history at Haligu on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,Yunnan, SW China


作 者:Xiao-Yan Song, Yi-Feng Yao, A.H.Wortley, K.N. Paudayal, Shao-Hua Yang, Cheng-Sen Li, S. Blackmore
影响因子: 3.385
刊物名称Climatic Change
出版年份: 2012
: 113  : 3-4   页码: 841–866

文章摘要 : 

 This paper uses pollen analysis to investigate and document the changing climate and vegetation during the Holocene based on a 400 cmcore in depth obtained at a wetland site at Haligu (3,277 ma. s. l.) on the Jade DragonSnow Mountain in Yunnan,China. By applying the Coexistence Approach to pollen data from this core, a quantitative reconstruction of climate over the last 9,300 years was made based on each pollen zone and individual core sample, which reveals the temperature and precipitation change frequently during that time. The qualitative analyses show that from 9300 to 8700 cal. yr BP, the vegetation was dominated by needle-leaved forest (mainly Pinus and Abies), indicating a slightly cool and moderately humid climate. Between 8700 and 7000 cal. yr BP, evergreen broad-leaved forest, dominated by Quercus, became the predominant vegetation type, replacing needleleaved forest at this elevation, implying a warmer and more humid climate. During the period 7000 to 4000 cal. yr BP, the vegetation changed to mixed needle-leaved and evergreen broad-leaved forest, indicating a warm and moderately humid climate, but somewhat cooler than the preceding stage. From 4000 to 2400 cal. yr BP, the vegetation was again dominated by evergreen broad-leaved forest, but coniferous trees (mainly Pinus)

原文下载: 2012-Song Xiaoyan-Climatic Change.pdf 



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