State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan
Beijing 100093, China
Tel: 86-10-62836436; Fax: 86-10-62836095
2007.03 Ph. D., Botany; Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
2000.07 B. S., Microbiology; Nanchang University
Professional Experience:
2013.10-2014.10 Visiting Scholar, Royal Botanic Garden Edingburgh, UK
2011.12 - present Associate Professor, Institute of Botany (CAS)
2010.03 Visiting Scholar, Royal Botanic Garden Edingburgh, UK
2008.07 - 08 Visiting Scholar, Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt, Germany
2007.04 - 2011.11 Assistant Professor, Institute of Botany (CAS)
2006.07 - 2007.03 Research Assistant, Institute of Botany (CAS)
Scientific Expedition:
2013.07 Participate in the 2013 Scientific Expedition of Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station
2013.01-03 Participate in the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition
2012.07 Participate in the 2012 Scientific Expedition of Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station
2011.07-08 Participate in the 2011 Scientific Expedition of Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station
Research Interests:
(1) Plant evolution, vegetation succession and environment change in the Cenozoic;
(2) Plant evolutionary biology in the Arctic and Antarctic;
(3) Holocene natural environment change and human activity.
Membership of Professional Societies:
2012 - Member of Palynological Association of Chinese Paleontological Society
2008 - Member & Secretary General of Paleobotanical Association of Chinese Botanical Society
2012 Excellent Article of Polar Research for Young Scientists,China
2008 DAAD Scholarship,Germany
Research Projects:
2013-2016―Holocene vegetation succession in Ny-?lesund, Arctic and its response to the climatic environment Change, supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
2011-2013―Plant growth in the harsh environment of Arctic and Antarctic and their response to the global change, supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
2010-2014―The history of adaptive radiation of Poaceae family and its relationship with the environment and climate, supported by NSFC
2010.01-12―Distribution of C4 plants since the Late Cenozoic in China and Ukraine and their response to the environment change, supported by CAS
2008-2010―Mangrove vegetation succession and coastal environment change in Sanya, Hainan during the Holocene, supported by NSFC for young scientists
2007-2009―Cenozoic vegetation and climate changes in China and Southeast Asia and their response to the Himalay auplift, supported by the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS
2005-2007―The history of environment change in Beijing since the past three million years and its guidance significance on urban development, supported by Natural Science Foundation of Beijing
Selected publications (* Corresponding author):
20. Yao Y.F., Bera S., Ferguson D.K., Li C.S. 2014. Pollen morphology in Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Arctic, and its taxonomic significance. Advance in Polar Science 25(2): 105-112.
19. Das S., Ghosh R., Paruya D.K., Yao Y.F., Li C.S., Bera S. 2014. Phytolith spectra in respiratory aerial roots of some mangrove plants of the Indian Sundarbans and its efficacy in ancient deltaic environment reconstruction. Quaternary International 325: 179-196.
18. Song X.Y., Bera S., Yao Y.F*., Ferguson D.K., Li C.S. 2014. Tree barks as a natural trap for airborne spores and pollen grains from China. Chinese Science Bulletin 59(19): 2331-2339 (Corresponding author).
17. Tang Y.N., Li X., Yao Y.F*., Ferguson D.K., Li C.S.* 2014. Environmental reconstruction of Tuyoq in the Fifth Century and its bearing on Buddhism in Turpan, Xinjiang, China. PLoS One 9(1): e86363. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086363 (* Co-corresponding author).
16. Guo C.Q., Ochyra R., Wu P.C., Seppelt R.D., Yao Y.F., Bian L.G., Li S.P., Li C.S. 2013. Warnstorfia exannulata, an aquatic moss in the Arctic: seasonal growth responses to global climate change. Climatic Change 119: 407-419.
15. Yao Y.F., Zhao Q., Bera S., Li X.L., Li C.S. 2012. Pollen morphology of selected tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-?lesund, Svalbard. Advances in Polar Science 23 (2): 103-115.
14. Yao Y.F., Li X., Jiang H.E., Ferguson D.K., Hueber F., Ghosh R., Bera S., Li C.S. 2012. Pollen and phytoliths from fired ancient potsherds as potential indicators for deciphering past vegetation and climate in Turpan, Xinjiang, NW China. PLoS One 7(6): e39780. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039780.
13. Yao Y.F., Bruch A.A., Cheng Y.M., Mosbrugger V., Wang Y.F., Li C.S. 2012. Monsoon versus uplift in Southwestern China―Late Pliocene climate in Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan. PLoS One 7(5): e37760. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037760.
12. Song X.Y.*, Yao Y.F.*, Wortley A.H., Paudayal K.N., Yang S.H., Li C.S., Blackmore S. 2012. Holocene vegetation and climate history at Haligu on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Yunnan, SW China. Climatic Change 113: 841-866 (* Co-first author).
11. Song X.Y.,Yao Y.F., Yang, W.D. 2012. Pollen analysis of natural honeys from the central region of Shanxi, North China. PLoS One 7(11): e49545. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049545.
10. Yao Y. F., Bruch A., Mosbrugger V., Li C.S. 2011. Quantitative reconstruction of Miocene climate patterns and evolution in Southern China based on plant fossils. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 304: 291-307.
9. D’Rozario A., Labandeira C., Guo W.Y., Yao Y.F., Li C.S. 2011. Spatiotemporal extension of the Euramerican Psaronius component community to the Late Permian of Cathaysia: In situ coprolites in P. housuoensis stems from Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 306(3-4): 127-133.
8. Yao Y.F., Bera S., Kumudranjan N., Liao W.B., Li C.S. 2011. A comparative study of mangrove floras in China and India. Forestry Studies in China 13(3): 173-182.
7. Song X.Y., Spicer R.A., Yang J., Yao Y.F., Li C.S. 2010. Pollen evidence for an Eocene to Miocene elevation of central southern Tibet predating the rise of the High Himalaya. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 297: 159-168.
6. Mehrotra R.C., Yao Y.F., Li C.S. 2010. Fossil wood of Bischofia palaeojavanica Awasthi from the Eocene of Changchang Formation of Hainan Island, China. Palaeobotanist 59: 121-127.
5. D’Rozario A., Sun B., Galtier J., Wang S.J., Guo W.Y., Yao Y.F., Li C.S. 2010. Studies on the Late Permian permineralized tree fern Psaronius housuoensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, southwest China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 163(3-4): 247-263.
4. Yao Y.F., Bera S., Ferguson D.K., Mosbrugger V., Paudayal K.N., Jin J.H., Li C.S. 2009. Reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Early and Middle Eocene, Hainan Island, China. Climatic Change 92: 169-189.
3. Jiang H.E., Zhang Y.B., Li X., Yao Y.F., Ferguson D.K., Lü E.G., Li C.S. 2009. Evidence for early viticulture in China: proof of a grapevine (Vitis vinifera L., Vitaceae) in the Yanghai Tombs, Xinjiang. Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 1458-1465.
2. Yao Y.F., Bera S., Wang Y.F., Li C.S. 2006. Nectar and pollen source for honeybee, Apis cerana cerana Fabr. During October-November in Qinglan Harbor mangrove area, Hainan Island, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 11(48): 1266-1273.
1. Yao Y.F., Xi Y.Z., Geng B.Y., Li C.S. 2004. The exine ultrastructure of pollen grains in Gnetum (Gnetaceae) from China and its bearing on the relationship with the ANITA group. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146: 415-425.